"In the 23rd year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôladeva, who was pleased to take Madurai, Ilam, the crowned head of the Pandya and Karuvûr, on the day of Visakha, which corresponded to a [Monday] and to the thirteenth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Vrischika."
The date corresponds to Monday, the 6th November A.D. 1200, which was the 11th day of the month of Vrischika, and on which the 13th tithi of the dark half (of Kârttika) ended 11 h. 46 m., while the nakshatra was Visakha, by the Brahma-siddhânta from 1 h. 58 m., according to Garga from 5 h. 55 m., and by the equal space system from 18 h. 24 m., after mean sunrise.
113. In the Kailasanathasvamin temple at Kalla-Perumbûr,1
1 [Hara Svasti ári [11] Tiribuvana[ch]chakkaravattiga! Madu[r]ai[yu*]2 [m] [I]lamum Pandiyan mudi-talaiyu[m] kondu arali3 [ya] éri-Kulttungs-S6jadévakku
4 vadu Karkadaga-nayar[ru] [pû]rvva-paksha[t]tu pa[n]ja [m]iyum Budan-kila[m]ai pe[r]
5 Utt[i]rattu pâ]].
"In the 25th year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôjadêva, who was pleased to take Madurai, Ilam and the crowned head of the Pandya, on the day of Uttara-Phalguni, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Karkaṭaka."
The date corresponds to Wednesday, the 24th July A.D. 1202, which was the 28th day of the month of Karkataka, and on which the nakshatra was Uttara-Phalguni, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 11 h. 10 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 7 h. 53 m., after mean sunrise. But the tithi which ended on this day, 21 h. 31 m. after mean
sunrise, was the 4th, not the 5th, tithi of the bright half (of Sravana). Accordingly, we should have expected chaturthiyum in the original instead of pa[n]ja[m]iyum.
114. In the Vedaranyéévara temple at Vedaranyam.3 [1] [*] Tribuvagachchakkaravarttigal
1 Svasti
Ka[ralvarum Pândi[ya]n mud[i]
2 ttalaiyun-gondu virar abishêgamum visaiyar abishêgamum panniy-a[ru]lina Tiri3 buvagaviradêvarkku yåndu 3[2]vadu Dapu-nayagru apara-pakshatta na[va]miyum Ti
4 ngat-ki[la]maiyum perra Sittirai-nål.
"In the 3[2]nd year (of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, Tribhuvanaviradeva, who took Madurai, Karuvûr and the crowned head of the Pandya, and was pleased to perform the anointment of heroes and the anointment of vietors, on the day of Chitra, which corresponded to a Monday and to the ninth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Dhanus."
The date corresponds to Monday, the 21st December A.D. 1209, which was the 27th day of the month of Dhanus, and on which the nakshatra was Chitra, by the equal space system and according to Garga for 21 h. 1 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta for 17 h. 44 m., after mean sunrise. But the tithi which ended on this day, 12 h. 28 m. after mean sunrise, was the 8th, not the 9th, tithi of the dark half (ef Pausha). Accordingly, we should have expected ashtamiyum in the original instead of na[va]miyum.
No. 584 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1904. 2 I.e. the Gandía-chaturthi.
No. 427 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1904.