ivv-âpḍu Mêsha-nâ[ya"]rru
Sev[vâ] [y]-kkilamai
petra Badaiya-stir[und]].
"In [the 5th year] (of the reign) of king Parakêsarivarman alias the glorious Rajendra-Chôļadeva,- on the auspicious (?) day of Satabhishaj, which corresponded to a Tuesday of the month of Mêsha in this year."
According to the result previously found for the commencement of the reign of RâjêndraChôla I., this date will be expected to fall in A.D. 1016 or A.D. 1017. In A.D. 1016 the month of Mêsha contained no Tuesday on which the nakshatra was Satabhishaj. The date therefore apparently corresponds to Tuesday, the 28th March A.D. 1017, which was the 4th day of the month of Mêsha, and on which [the 11th tithi of the dark half of Chaitra ended 21 h. 33 m., while] the nakshatra was Satabhishaj, by the equal space system from 5 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise to the end of the day, according to Garga from 5 h. 55 m. to 21 h. 40 m., and by the Brahma-siddhânta from 6 h. 34 m. to 19 h. 3 m., after mean sunrise.- I can give no special reason why the day should be described as 'the auspicious day of Śatabhishaj.'
The date would prove that the reign of Rajendra-Chôla I. could not have commenced before (approximately) the 27th March A.D. 1012.
103. In the Tyagarajasvâmin temple at Tiruvârûr.3
1 Svasti [śri 1] Pû-málai midaindu
ko-Pparakesaripanmar-âna Tribhu[va nachakravattiga! śri-VikramaSaladvarkku y[3]pu
6 nâlâvadu Isha bha-n]âyarru [p]û[rvva]-pakshattu tri[ti] yaiyum [Bu]dan-[ki]lamaiyu[m] perra Tiruvâdirai-nâ!.
"In the fourth year (of the reign) of king Parakêsarivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Vikrama-Chôladêva, on the day of Ardra, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the third tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Rishabha."
The date corresponds to Wednesday, the 10th May A.D. 1122, which was the 16th day of the month of Rishabha, and on which the 3rd tithi of the bright half (of Jyaishtha) ended 16 h. 22 m., while the nakshatra was Ardrâ, by the equal space system for 12 h. 29 m., and according to Garga for 0 h. 39 m., after mean sunrise.
1 Pâ-mâdu 2.
104. In the Tyagarajasvâmin temple at Tiruvârûr.* pu[pa]ra
ko-Pparakiaripan [ma]relas Tiriba vanachchakravattiga] [Vi]kkirama[8]ladvarkku ya
3 pdu [n]âlâvadu Rishabha-nayar[ru] a[para-pakshat]tu [trit]i[yaiyum Budha]n-kilamai. yum perra Tiruvâdirai-nål.
"In the fourth year (of the reign) of king Parakêsarivarman alias the emperor of the three worlds, Vikrama-Chôladeva, on the day of Ardra, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the [third] tithi of the [second] fortnight of the month of Rishabha."
There can be no doubt that this date is identical with the preceding one, and that the reading in line 3 of the original should have been purva-pakshattu, not apara-pakshattu.
1 According to Mr. Venkayya the reading to all appearance is as given above; but he adds that 'tin nál may be intended.
2 See above, Vol. VII. p. 7. No. 564 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1904. No. 563 of the Government Epigraphist's collection for 1904.