No. 16.)
near Pagåra, which is about four miles north of Pachmarhi. In endorsing this identification, Dr. Fleet suggested that Undikavâţika, the village granted, may be one of two villages named
Oontiya' in the same neighbourhood. He was inclined to identify Manapuram with Manpur near Bandhogarh ' in Rewa, provided that the Manapuram of the inscription was to be understood as the capital of Abhimanya, not as a temporary camp of his. That the former alternative is correct, may perhaps be concluded from the name Manapuram itself, which seems to be derived from Månånka, the name of Abhimanya's great-grandfather, and to mean the town or capital of Måns or Månånka.'
First Plate. 1 Om
svagti [II] Aneka-guna-gan-Alankita-yasaskih 2 Rashtrakatána[m] [t]ilaka-bható Mananka iti r&ja 3 babhava [1] tasya vigrahavan-iva Dôvaraja(jo) Déva4 râj-êti Bunuh [io] Yasy-"Anya-bha mipatibhir vvijit-A[bh]i5 månair-uchchhrdyi-vangs-nihit&s=8VA-yasab-pe
Second Plate; First Side." 6 taka | dri(dpi)shta chirar pratidinah nanu drisyatd cha 7 Gang-dva punya (nya)-Balila puratah-pravri(djdhAh? (II) [10]
Tagy-åtma8 já jita-ripor=vvijita-tri(tri)varggå jAtag=trayas-sakala
9 råjaka-bhumináthAh! yais-sangardshu samapátta-ma30 dA[n ]sapatna[-*]jitvå hfita Baha bhavá vipula
npipa-brish || 2*] 11 Tashan Bhavishyasya guto-Bhimanyuh
Second Plate; Second Side. 12 sauryy-8[r*]ja-ra pais=sadfig-Bhimanyo [io] Tons Mana13 puram-adhyâsanên-Alankorvvata
matapitröhepu14 nya-nimitt-abhivriddhaya (Petha)-10Pangarakiya-Dakshiņa15 Siva[s]ya [O]pdikavatika nama gråmako Jatabhara16 právra [ji]tasya adaka-pürvyako dattaḥ [1] (a)tra na
k[e]n17 chikils vydjaḥ karttavyaḥ [l*)
Third Plate. 18 Harivatsakoçta-nigraha-Jayasinghe-lamaksham [1] 19 anyach-cha (1"] Ba[h]ubhir-yvasudh bhukta rajabhiḥ
[8a]gar-&[a]ibhiḥ 1
Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 611 and note 16.
• Ibid. p. 514. - From Dr. Fleet's ink-impressions.
• Expressed by a symbol. Metre of verses 1 and 8: Vaantatilaka.
Reed -asha-rihitd roa. Cancel the pisarga.
• The second half of this Indravajrá verse is missing. . As pointed out by Dr. Meet (Ind. Ant. VoL XXX. p. 609, note 1), the correct expression would be puny-dbhiosiddhi-nimittad.
1. This word is much damaged.
11 Dr. Fleet (Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 509, note 2) read. Dotikandfibd, but the subscript d of the second syllable of Updio differs in shape from the ot drishfa (1.6), kofta (1. 18) and shashfi (1. 201.). 19 Bead chit or, more correctly, olid,
Read -Jayaridha..