TEXT, :::.. maņagûtâya (1) dânn riu vesiki.
REMARK. (1) AS. and OTI.. . [sa]mandya mdtuya. No traces remain of the pretended sa, which appears entirely conjectural. The n is certainly not accompanied by an d. To judge by their own plates, AS. and CTI. have inserted the ma, which is completely invisible and for which there is no room. The y which precedes bears a clear subscribed å of the same shape as in the two preceding inscriptions. The following t has at the top the mark of d, and the lower stroke, which has been taken for u, ought to have been attached to the right of t if it had this meaning. .
TRANSLATION. "(This) rail (is) the gift of ... ."
I can make nothing of the existing remains of the proper name. We see only that the sculpture of this balustrade was the gift of a female.
No. 18, Plate iii. (K. 16). Chaitya cave. On the wall to the left of the central door (close to the rail pattern).
TEXT. Koţiya (1) bhikhupiya Ghuņika-matu (2) veyikå dånam (3) (Nam]dikena (4) katań.
REMARKS. (1) AS. and CTI. Kodiya. The second letter seems to me rather a fi; but it is doubtful. (2) AS 'máta; the wis certain. (3) AS. dana, CTI. dana.-(4) The first letter is doubtful. the horizontal basis of the n being singularly slanting. But the final d is sure.
TRANSLATION. "(This) rail, the gift of the Bhikshuni Koti, the mother of Ghuņika, was made by Nandika."
No. 19. Plate II. (Ksh. 20). Ohaitya cave. On the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the frieze between the central and the rightband doors.
. . (Anapayati] Mamade (1) amacha pargata magu (2) etha lenesa Valurakega (3) våthavana (4) 2 pavajitâna bhikhuna nikåyasa Mahåsagh. yana y: pan. ya etha Mâmâlâhâre
utare (5) mage g.m. Karajak . (6) 3 bbikbuhale[la] (7) dadama — etesa (tu] (8) — gama (9) —- Karajake (10) ►
bhikhubala — deya -- påpehi (11) — etasa chasa 4 gamasa Karajakana bhikhubalaparihåra vitarama apåvesa a (12) . . . . .
. . . . pårihårika cha etehi na parihårehi pariharah. (13) et. chasa
gåna Karejake (14) 5 bhikhahalaparihårecha etha nibadhåpehi (15) aviyena Anata . .
.. .. chhato vijayathasatâre (16) dato the i (17) [patika]
sava 1[4] (18) 6 vi pa 4 diva 1 Sivakhadagutena kaça.