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of the temples of the irresistible elephants of (his) enemies. The moon, the milky ocean and Sêsha (are) the trickling of the mass of (his) glory which has filled the world.
(V. 31.) While his mind was anxious to eradicate thorns, the lotus-stalks, as if through fear, did not emerge from water, (but) made to him) a present of the beauty residing in (their) buds ;! for self-purification, the ketaki (plant) remained in the interior of the darkness caused by the quantities of its own pollen, set in motion by the wind, the jack-tree in the hollow of the earth, and the reed-branch at (his) gate.
(Line 38.) And he, laughing to scorn the vanity of the beauty of the form of Kandarpa (Káma), who was rendered transient through being burned by the eye of Hara (Siva), (became the glorious Nitya-Kandarpa (i.e. a very eternal Kandarpa); (he), destroying the happiness of Satamakha (Indra) by means of the power of energy amplified by the powers of royal majesty and good counsel, (became the very god) Chaturmukha (Brahman) in the art of) Chanakya (i.e. in politics); (he), intent upon working weal to the earth overrun solely by (his) renowned valour, (became) the glorious Vikrânta-Narayana (i.e. a very Narayana among heroes), (as Vishņu became Vikrânta-Narayana, i.e. the striding Narayana, when intent upon doing good to the earth occupied by (his) single renowned step); (he), devastating the fields (consisting of) the breasts of (his) enemies by means of the ploughshare (consisting of the weapon wielded by his hand, (became) the glorious Nřipati-Trinêtrs (i.6.& very god Siva among kings).
(L. 40.) And he, the Paramabhaffaraka Mahúrájádhiraja Paramétvara, the prosperous Suvarnavarshadėva-Pțithvivallabha, the prosperous Vallabhanarendradeva, who meditates on the feet of the Paramabhaffáraka Maharajadhiraja Paraméšvara, the prosperous Nityavarshadêva,- being well, commands all the lords of provinces (rashtra), lords of districts (vishaya), chiefs of villages, leading persons, officials, employés and functionaries, according as they are concerned :
(L. 43.) "Be it known to you that I, who am permanently settled at the capital of Mânyakhêţa, who am maintaining grants to temples and agraháras, though resumed by previons (rulers), and who day by day am issuing charters of villages, to be everlastingly respected (by all),- eight centuries of years increased by fifty-two having elapsed since the time of the Saka king, also in figures Saka-Samvat 852, on the tenth (tithi) of the bright (half) of Jyêshtha in the current Khara-samvatsara, on a Monday, when the moon was near (the constellation of) Hasta, on the great festive occasion of the binding of the fillet in the village of Kapitthaka, situated near the bank of the Godavari, having ascended the tulapurusha, gave unto the Brahmaps six hundred agraháras together with three laos of suparna (coins) for the sake of bali, charu, vaidvadeva, and atithitarpana, and granted to the temples of gods for the enjoyment of the gods eight hundred villages, four lacs of suvarnas and thirty-two lacs of drammas, for the repairs of) broken parts and so forth, for ointment, frankincense, flowers, lamps, offerings and other requisite articles of worship, and for the purpose of providing) a feedingestablishment, gifts of outer garments and so forth for ascetios; and after this, without descending from the tulapurusha, bestowed first by pouring water from the hand, for the enhancement of the religious merit and fame of my parents and myself, - upon Nagamarya, son of Mahadevayya, belonging to the Mathara gôtra, student of the Vaji-Kåpva édkhá, come from the holy place of Käviks which is situated in the Khêţaks district (mandala) of the Laţa country.(déta), resident here at Manyakheta, subsisting on the lotus-feet of the prosperous Vallabhanarendradeve, the village named Kevanja, situated in the Khêţaka district comprised in the Lâța country,
1 Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 254 and note 36.
* This is very curious; for, the god who wielded the weapon of the plonghshare and devastated Relds is Balarama, the brother of Kpishna, and not Trinetra, 1.c. Sivs. So far as my knowledge goes, Balarima is nowhere called Trinētra. nor is Šiva anywhere spoken of as performing these functions of Balarima,
"Gupta Inscr. p. 116, note 3.