861.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. No. 150, p. 143. Conjeeveram (Rajasim havarmê vara temple) Tamil pillar inscription of the 26th year (of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadêva [III.].
862.-S. 1165.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. No. 64, p. 91. Poygai (near Viriñchipuram) Tamil inscription of the 28th year of the reign) of the glorious Rajarajadêva (III.), recording donations by the Sengêội chief Virasani-Ammaiappan Alagiya-Solan alias Edirili-ŚôlaSambuvardya :
From the month of Karkataka of the 28th year... which was current after the Saka year one thousand one hundred and sixty-five.'
863.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 175, No. 79. Date of an Udaiyárköyil (Karavandiśvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 3rd year (of the reign of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajendra-Chôļadêve (i.e. the Chola king Rajendra-Chôļa III.):--
In the 3rd year... on the day of Röhini, which corresponded to a Saturday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mina.'
[$. 1171]: Saturday, 20th March A.D. 1249.3
864.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 176, No. 80. Date of a Srirangam (Ranganatha temple) Tamil inscription of the 7th year of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious RajendraChladêva (III.), ..... the hostile rod of death to the Kannariga (i.e. Karnataka) king, he who had drowned the power of the Kali (age) in the ocean, the hero's anklets on whose feet were put on by the hands of Vira-Sômêsyarat .....:
In the 7th year... on the day of Chitra, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the eighth tiths of the second fortnight of the month of Makara.'
[$. 1174]: Wednesday, 25th December A.D. 1252.6
865.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 177, No. 83. Date of a Srirangam (Ranganatha temple) Tamil inscription of the year opposite the 7th (i.e. the 8th year of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajendra-Chôļadēva (TII.), the hostile rod of death of (his) uncle Sômêsvara :_
In the year which was opposite the seventh year... on the day of Abvini, which corresponded to a Monday and to the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Vrischika.'
The date is irregular.
866.-S. 1180.--South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. No. 78, p. 108. Padavedu (Ammaiappeśvara temple) Tamil inscription of R&jagambhira Sambuvardyap :
"To-day, which is the day of) Rêvati and Monday, the seventh lunar day of the former half of the month of Karkataka, which was current after the Šaka year one thousand one hundred and eighty.'
The day may be Monday, 8th July A.D. 1258, but if so, the nakshatra is irregular; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 16, No. 195.-During the month of Karkataka of the given year the moon was in Rêvati on Monday, 22nd July A.D. 1258, but the tithi which ended on this day was the 5th of the dark half.
Compare above, Nos. 856 and 860.
* The accession of Rajendra-Chola III. took place between (approximately) the 21st March and the eth May A.D. 1246.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 0 h. 80 m. after mean sunrise. • See sbove, No. 436. . This was the day of the Makara (Uttarayana-)samkranti. See above, No. 864.
2 Compare above, No. 854. • Here the name of the Jovian year appears to have been omitted.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 8 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise.