855.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 284, No. 51. Date of a Tiruvengâḍu (Svêtâranyéévara temple) Tamil inscription of the 22nd year (of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadêva [III.] :
'In the 22nd year on the day of Uttara-Bhadrapada, which corresponded to a Tuesday and to the fourth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina.'
[S. 1159]: Tuesday, 16th March A.D. 1238; but the tithi which ended on this day was a 14th, not a 4th tithi.
856.-S. 1160.- South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. I. Nos. 59 and 60,1 pp. 87 and 88. Two Poygai (near Viriñchipuram) Tamil inscriptions of the 22nd year (of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadêva [III.], recording donations by the Sengêņi chief Virasani-Ammaiyappan Alagiya-Solan alias Edirili-[Sôla-Sambuvarayan]:
... which was current during
[In the month of] Tai of the twenty-second year the Saka year one thousand one hundred and sixty.'
857.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 284, No. 52. Date of a Mannargudi (Rajagopala-Perumal temple) Tamil inscription of the year opposite the 22nd year (i.e. the 23rd year of the reign) of the Tribhuranachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadeva [III.] :
In the year which was opposite the twenty-second year on the day of Purvâshâḍhâ, which corresponded to a Monday and to the ninth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina.'
[S. 1160]: Monday, 28th February A.D. 1239.
858.-Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 284, No. 53. Date of a Mannargudi (Kailasanâtha temple) Tamil inscription of the year opposite the 22nd year (i.e. the 23rd year of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadêva [III.] :
In the year which was opposite the twenty-second year on the day of Uttarâshâḍhâ, which corresponded to a Wednesday and to the tenth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina :
[S. 1160]: Wednesday, 2nd March A.D. 1239.
859.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 285, No. 54. Date of a Mannargudi (Kailasanâtha temple) Tamil inscription of the year opposite the 22nd year (ie. the 23rd year of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadeva [III.] :
In the year which was opposite the twenty-second year on the day of Dhanishtha, which corresponded to a Friday and to the thirteenth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Mina.'
[S. 1160]: Friday, 4th March A.D. 1239.3
$60.-S. 1161.- South-Ind. Inser. Vol. I. Nos. 61 and 62, pp. 89 and 90. Two Poygai (near Viriñchipuram) Tamil inscriptions of the 24th year (of the reign) of the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Rajarajadeva [III], recording donations by Virasani-Ammaiyappan Alagiya-Sôlan alias Edirili-Sôla-Sambuvarayan :
which was current during
From the month of Tai of the twenty-fourth year the Saka year one thousand one hundred and sixty-one.'
Compare below, Nos. 860 and 862.
Of No. 60 only the date remains.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 5 h. 57 m. after mean sunrise.
Ibid. No. 63, p. 90, is a short Tamil inscription referring to the gift of the village of Puttar, which is also recorded in Nos. 61 and 62.- No. 62 is a duplicate of No. 61.
Compare Nos. 856 and 862.