Thursday, 4th April A.D. 804; see ibid. Vol. XXIII. p. 122, No. 55.
The grant gives the name of Govinda's queen, Gámundabbe; states that he had conquered Dantigal of Kanchi; and records the renewal of a grant made by [the W. Chalukya] Kirtivarman (II.].
63.-8.730.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 157, and Plates. Wani (in Nasik district, now Bombay As. Soc.'s) plates of the Rashtrakūta Mahárdjádhiraja Govindaraja III. Prabhatavarsha, issued from Mayûrakhandi :
(L. 46).-Sakanripakal-atsta-samvatsara-satêshu saptasu trim(tim)sad-adhikeshu Vyayasamvatsaró Vaisakha-sita-pauryamasi-somagrahaņa-mahaparvvaội.
The date is irregular; see ibid. Vol. XXIV. p. 11, No. 172. Genealogy, etc., substantially as in No. 64.
64.-8.730.-Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 242, and Plate ; PSOOI. No. 281. Rådhanpur first and second plates only of the Rashtrakûta Mahúrájádhiraja Govindaraja III. Prabhûtavarsha, issued from Mayurakhandi:
(L. 53).-Sa[ka]nfipakal-&tita-samvatsara-satêshu saptasu trim(trim)sad-attarëshu Sarvajin-nämni samvat[sa]rê Sravana-va(ba)hula-a(1-&)måvåsyåm sûryagrahaņa-parvaņi.
27th July A.D. 808 ; a solar eclipse, visible in India ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 131, No. 108.
Krishộaraja [I.], called Vallabha (took Fortune away from the Chalukya family); his son Dhora (Dhruvaråja) Nirupama Kalivallabha Dhârâvarsha (set aside his eldest brother (Govindaraja II.), imprisoned the Ganga, subdued the Pallava, defeated Vatsarája); his son Govindaraja [III.] Prabhůtavarsha (defeated & coalition of twelve princes, released but re-imprisoned the Ganga, defeated the Gûrjara, subdued the Malava, reduced king Måraśarva, conquered the Pallaves, and gave orders to the lord of Vengi).
65.-8.734.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 158, and Plates. Baroda (now British Museum) plates of thc Rashtrakata Mahdsamantadhipati Karkaraja Suvarna varshs of Gujarat,7 issued from Siddhasami:
(L. 52).-Sakansipa kal-&tita-samvatsara-satêshu saptasu scha(cha)tustrinsa[d-badhike]shu maha-Vaisakhyam.
Govindaraja [1.] ; his son Karkaraja [1.]; his son Krishnaraja [1.] (assumed the government after a prooting a relative of his); his son Dhruyaraja ; his son Govindaraja [III.], called Srlvallabha; his brother, Indraraja, was made by him ruler of Lata (Látéśvara-nandala); Indraraja's son Karkaraja.- The grant mentions, as dútaka, the raja-putra Dantivarman.
66.-8. 736.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 13, and Plates ; Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 340. Kadaba (now Bangalore Museum) plates of the Rashtra kata Rajadhiraja Prabhutavarsha (Govindaraja III.), recording a grant which at the request of the Ganga chief Chakiraja was made to the Jaina muni Arkakirti (the disciple of Vijayakirti who was the disciple of Kali. acharya) for having warded off the evil influence of Saturn from Chakiraja's sister's son Vimaladitya (the son of Yasovarman and grandson of Balavarman of the Chalukya family, and governor of the Kunungil district); issued from May Arakhapdi :
(L. 83).-Sakantipa-samvatsaréshu dara-sikhi-munishu vyatitéshu J[y"]@shthamasasuklapaksha-dasamyår Pushya-nakshatra Chandraváre.
Perhaps the Dantivarman of No. 652.
Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XXXI. p. 217. * The date would be correct for $. 787 current, the year Vijay • Or the king of the Vatsan.'
Compare below, No. 122. • In the signature of the grant the name is spelt Kakkardja. 7 The original has lord of Lats (Laddara). • Read ostrinsad.. The authenticity of this grant is considered doubtful.-The description of the boundaries, etc., is iu Kuparese.