24th September A.D. 757; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 113, No. 2.
Kakkaraja [1.] ; his son Dhruvarâja; his son Govindaraja, married a daughter of NågnVarman; their son Kakkar&ja [11.]. - The grant mentions, as dútuka, Adityavarmaraja.
55.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 161, and Plate. Hatta-Mattor Kanarese memorial tablet' of the reign of Akalavarsha (Krishnaraja I.).
56.-S. 602.-Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 209, and Plate. Alås plates of the Rashtrakûța Yuvaraja Gôvindaraja II. Prabhûtavarsha Vikramávalóka, recording a grant made at the request of Vijayaditya Måņåvaļôka Ratnavarsha (son of Dantivarman and grandson of Dhruvar&ja); issued at the confluence of the rivers Krishnaverpå and Musi:
(L. 29).-shatchhatë dvinavaty-adhike Śaka-varshê Saumya-samvatsa]ré Ashadha-suklapakshe saptamyam.
Govindaraja [I.] ; his son Kakkaraja [I.]; his son Indraraja [II.] ; his son Dantivarman [II.], vanquished the Karnataka army which had defeated Harsha [of Kanauj], Vajrata and others; and conquered Vallabha (i.e. the W. Chalukya Kirtivarman II.); after him, Kakkarája's son Ksishộaraja [I.] Subhatunga Akalavarsha; his son Govindaraja [II.] (defeated the lord of Vengt).
57.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 125, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 60. Pattadakal Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Rashtrakațat Mahårájádhiraja Dharavarsha Kaliballaha (Kalivallabha Dhruvaraja).
58.-Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 163, and Plate. Naregal Kanarese memorial tablets of the reign of Dôra (i.e. Dhôra, Dhruvarâja), and of his feudatory Marakkarasa.
59.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 166, and Plate. Lakshmêshwar Kanarese inscription of the reign of Sriballaha (Srivallabha, according to Dr. Fleet in all probability Dhruvardja).
60.-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 24, p. 3. Fragmentary Kanarese inscription of the Mahasamantadhipati Kambayya (Stambha7) Raņávalóka, a son of the Maharajadhiraja] Árivallabha (Dhruvarkja ?).
61.-S. 716.-Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 105, and Plate. Paithan plates of the Rashtrakúța Maharajadhiraja Govindaraja III. Prabhutavarsha, issued from outside Pratishthana
(L. 60).-Sakanpipakal-&tita-samvatsara-sa (sa)téshu saptamu(su) jo(sh)das-Ottarëshu Vaisakha-va(ba)hul-&mavasyam=&dityagrahaņa-parvvaņi.
4th May A.D. 794; a solar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 131, No. 107
Genealogy from Govindaraja [I.] to Dantidurgaraja as in No. 53;10 after him, Karkaraja's son Krishnaraja [1.] Subhatunga AkÁlavarsha (defeated Rahappa); his son Govindaraja [II.] Vallabha; bis younger brother Dhruvaraja Nirupama Dhåråvarsha; his son Govindaraja [III.] Prabh û tavarsha.
62.-6. 720.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 126, and Plate. Kanarese country (formerly Sir W. Elliot's, now British Museum) Kanarese plates of the RashtrakataMaharajadhiraja Gôyinda (Gôvindaraja III.) Prabhûtavarsha :
(L. 1).-Sakansipak Al-Atita-samvatsaramgal=82-nur-i(i)rpatt-&ganey& Subhanu embhA(mba) varshada Vaiså(så)kham&sa-krishnapaksha-panchame(mi)-Bțihaspatiti)våram=ågi(gi).
1 By Dr. Fleet sesigned to about A.D. 765. This date fell in A.D. 770, not in 769. Also called Vallabharaja.
The name Rashtrakata does not occur in the inscription. By Dr. Fleet assigned to about A.D. 78 • By Dr. Fleet assigned to about A.D.
Compare below, No. 68. • See Mr. Rice in Ep. Cars, Vol. IV. Introduction, p. 5; Dr. Fleet in Ep. Ind. Vol. VI p. 195.
Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 516. 20 But the name of Kakkarája is spelt here Karkarija, and Dantidurgaraja is also called Vallabharija.