No. 21.)
21 g-sambhavan-nayaka-srih [1] euchiram-avani-bhsha Tammusiddh-Abhidhenas
sarasa-madhura-mûrttis-chêtanaḥ kô=pi hârah || [25] Yasas-subhram yasys
śravana-subhagan sarsadi muhus-Sahasrakshas=sriņvan-madhara-vachasaḥ kinna22 ra-mukhât [lo] sya-chakshus-sankhyaka-śruti-vibhava-kauthala-vasat kalatriya
praya[ho] sprihayati punar-Ggautama-munê11 [26] Daļita-ripu-karindra-srêņi
vistirnna-kumbha-sthala-vigaļita-gumbhan-mauktika-vy&pta23 můrttih [1*] jayati ghatita-lakshmih kshfra-vas-chûrạna-kirnnaḥ purusha iva
purâna[bo] syåmal yat-kripâņaḥ || [27") Sa Sridevyam-Êrasiddhi-kshitisaj
játa[bo] Srimån-Manmasiddh-annjanma [1] dh&trinn-êtân=tråyamânag=8824 mastâm=ast-ârâtis=Tammusiddhi-kshamapah || [28] Dévây=Adhipurisêya Sak
abdé dhirayáyini [lo] gråmêshy=asya npipa-gråhyam pradad=ayam-aféshatab
11 [29°] Yatnêna dharmma-saraṇiḥ parirakshaniya s@ya25 m bhavatbhi(abhi)r-akhilair=iti Tammusiddhaḥ [] ågåminaḥ pranayatê
nțipatin-ajasran-dûran=natôna sirasa n a Sarksanêna || [30] 6L 11 Etat
kshonibhřitám-amsu-jatâlair=mmakutairuddhřitam [1] jaga[t']26 traya-prasiddhasya Tammusiddhasya sasanam 11 (31"]
TRANSLATION. (Verse 8.) In his (i.e. Mann's) family was Raghu who was fed by the milk of Sarabhi which had become the cause of procreation. Is it surprising, under these circumstances, that he should have performed a sacrifice at which (his) whole property was given away, (and) that he should have conquered also all the quarters P8
(V. 9.) Then there was in his family Parktiratha, who, by the exploits of (his) arm protecting for a long time (both) Amaravati and this earth, kept, of his own acoord, (the one) free from demons (and the other sprinkled) with the water of donations.
(V. 10.) From him was born, under the name of Râma, Hari fall of valour, who, having killed in battle the lord of the Rakshasas who was injuring all (beings) through (his) arrogance (awakened by the conquest) of (Indra's) heaven, took back his queen, after she had emerged in purity from the fire which she had entered, as the narrow digit of the moon (emerges again in old splendour) from the sun after it has entered it, and went to his capital.
(V. 12.) In this family was born Kalikala-Chole, the hero who supplied with banks the daughter of Kavöra.? When (Mount) Méru had been merely touched by his play-staff, it began to shake and thereby) caused a confusion among the quarters.
(V. 15.) In this family was born (a king) called Betta, who was the crusher of the thunderbolt whose flight was impelled by Sakra ;8 if he with his fiery splendour had risen before, the cutting of the wings of the mountains also would not have taken place.
1 Only the verses which are not found in the Tiruvalangadu and Tiruppalar inscriptions have been translated here. Verse 29 also has been omitted, because, apart from the name of the god, it is identical with verse 21 of the Tiruvalangadu inscription.
According to the Raghavana (II. 69 f.) Raghu was conceived by Sudakshiqi, after her husband Dilipa had drunk from the milk of the cow Nandint, the daughter of Surabhi, and not of Surabhi herself as implied by the verse of the inscription. Raghu's digeijaya and his performance of the Visvajit sacrifice are narrated in the fourth Targa of the Raghuvanda; compare with our verse especially IV. 86 :- Vifajitam djahrd yajian sarvasradabahinam.
. 1.e. Dasaratha. • The term oikrama is used with reference also to the three strides of Vishnu. . Ravana's conquest of Indra's heaven is told in the Randyana, VII. *7 ft.
• According to the Puranas, the moon, when redaced by the draughts of the gods, enters the orbit of the su and is replenished by its see e.g. Vishnupurda II. 12, 4 1.
'TI.. the K.vertsee above, Vol. VI. p. 182, note 5. • Orof Afani Sakrachôditagati.' Regarding this verne see my remarks above, p. 148 1.