dattavân-muda ||
284 svinam I sahiranya-payodhårå-pûrvakam 285 Sarasa-Sadasivaraya-kshitipati-varyasya kriti-dburyasya [*] så(A)286 sanam=idam sa (fa) râsana-Dasa (sa)rather-amita-hena (ma)-dâna-rathê (yê)ḥ | (II) [150] 'Mrida (du)-pa
287 dam-iti mabita-Sadasivaraya-sasanêna [] 288 abhanad-anugunam Sabhâpati-Sva289 yambhuḥ (11) [151] 3Sadasiva-maharaya-sasanad-Viran-âtmajaḥ tva290 shţên śrf-Viranacharyô vyalikhat=tâm(tâ)mra-fasanam I(II) [152] Dâna-pâla291 maybe-madhy dináchuchhrey-nuplaa I dânâ[t]-svargam-avâpnôti pâ292 lanâd-achyutam padam 101) [153] Sva-datta dvigupah(un-)panyah para-datt-Anupålanam [1]
293 para-datt-âpahârêpa sva-dattam nispha(shpha) lam bhavêt I(1) [154] Svadattam para
294 dattâm và yô baréta vasumdharâm | *shashṭhir=varsha-sahasrani vishṭhâ295 yâm jâyatê krimiḥ (1) [155] Ek-aiva bhagini lôkê sarvêshâm-eva bhûbhu
296 jam na bhôjya (gy) na kara-gråhyâ dêva-dattâ vasumdhara (1) [156] Siminyb
297 yam dharma-sêtur-nripânâm kalê kalê pâlanfyô bhavadbhis-(dbhiḥ ) sarva298 n-êtân-bhâvinaḥ pârtthiv-êmdrân-bhayo bhayo yâchatê Ramachandraḥ [157] Sri II Sri-Virupaksha [*]
BY J. F. FLEET, I.C.S., PH.D., O.I.E.
This inscription was first brought to notice in 1874, by the text and translation published by Mr. Rice in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. III. p. 153. The translation has also been given by him in his Mysore Inscriptions, p. 302, published in 1879. And the text and translation have finally been revised and reproduced by him, with lithographs, as No. 1 in his Inscriptions at Sravana-Belgola, published in 1889.6 From ink-impressions received from Dr. Hultzsch in 1892, I published some remarks on Mr. Rice's treatment of the record, and on its real meaning, in a paper entitled "Bhadrabahu, Chandragupta, and Śravana-Belgola," in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. XXI. p. 156 ff. And I now edit it in full, with a lithograph, from some better ink-impressions more recently sent by him."
1 Metre: Giti.
Metre: Pushpitågrå.
* Metre of verses 152-156: Éloka (Anushṭubh).
4 Read mashfim varsha-.
Metre: ŚAlint,
The lithograph attached to the text in Roman characters, is not a purely mechanical one; and it does not represent the original with fidelity, though it suffices to give a general idea of the paleographic standard of it. To the text in Kanarese characters, there is attached a mechanically produced lithograph; but it is very indistinct, and is in fact practically useless.
7 There are many aksharas, legible enough in the ink-impressions, which are hardly discernible, if at all, in the lithograph. And this interesting record doubtless deserves a better reproduction than that now offered.' But the best that could be done with the ink-impressions, without any tampering with them, has been done. And it is questionable whether any better materials, for purely mechanical reproduction, can be obtained.