No. 11.]
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palinad-udaiya Kodai Sirikandan [lo] ippari arive
râlanad-udaiya Mânavê pala-Manaviyan [1] ippari ariven Valluvanåd-ndaiya Ir&yaraf-sattan [lo] ippari ariven Nedumpuraiyûrnad-udaiya Kôdaiy-Iravi [lo] i. ppari arivên kil-ppadai-nayagam seyyigra Murkkan-Sattap [1] Van-Ralaisêri-Kkaņdap Kunrappolap=&ya kilvây-kke]ppsp=slutty [I]
TRANSLATION. (Line l.) Hail! Prosperity! (The following) gift (prasáda) was graciously made by him who had assumed the title "King of Kings " (Kôgon), His Majesty (tiruvadi) the king (ks), the glorious Bhaskara Ravivaran, in the time during which (he) was wielding the sceptre and ruling over many hundred-thousands of places, in the thirty-sixth year after the second year, on the day on which (he) was pleased to stay at Muyirikkodu:
(L. 6.) “We have given to Issuppu Irappan (the village of) Añjuvannam, together with the seventy-two proprietary rights, (viz.) the tolls on female elephants and (other) ridinganimals, the revenue of Añjuvannam, a lamp in day-time, a cloth spread (in front to walk on), a palanquin, & parasol, a Vaduga (i.e. Telugu ?) dram, a large trumpet, a gateway, an arch, a canopy (in the shape of an arch, a garland, and so forth.
(L. 12.) “We have remitted tolls and the tax on balances.
(L. 13.) "Moreover, we have granted, with these) copper-leaves, that he need not pay (the duer) which the (other) inhabitants of the city pay to the royal palace (kôyil), and that (he) may enjoy the benefits) which they) enjoy.
(L. 15.) “ To Issuppu Irappan of Añjuvannam, to the male children and to the female children born of him, to his nephews, and to the song-in-law who have married (his daughters, (we have given) Añjuvannam (as) an hereditary estate for as long as the world and the moon shall exist. Hail!"
(L. 20.) Thus do I know, Govardhana-Mârtåndan of Vêņadu. Thus do I know, Kodai Srikanthan of Venåpalinádu. Thus do I know, Manavepala-Manavyap of Êralnadu. Thus do I know, frayiram sattan of Valluvanadu. Thus do I know, Kôdai Ravi of Nedumpuraiyûrnádu. Thus do I know, Mørkham Battan, who holds the ofice of sub-commander of the forces.
(L. 27.) The writing of the under-secretary? Van-Talaiséri-Gandap 8 Kuprappolan.
* Read Irdyirai.
* Read my
. See ants, p. 67, note 8. • As remarked by Mr. Ellis (2.c. p. 7 f.), the Tamil wigw appears to be a tadbhava of the Sanskrit fulka. . This refers evidently to Muyirikkoda (1. 4 f.).
• These two words are repeated in the original (l. 18 f. and 19 f.).
• The literal meaning of ody-kk&lppán or, as it is spelled in line 132 of the inpublished Kaffkadi plates of the Pallava king Nandivarman, vdyl-k&fppd, is one who hears (the words of) the mouth of the king),' .e. & secretary.'
• i... " the bero of great Tellicherry." • 1,0. "the mountain-splitter," an epithet of the god Skanda.