[Vol. III.
Cranganore, in which the five classes of artisans, - Ain-Kammálar, as they are called in the smaller Kottayam grant resided.
The last plate contains the names of a number of witnesses of the transaction. Five of these were the chiefs of five districts (nddu) which must have been included in the dominions of Bhaskara Ravivarman. These were Venada, Vēņapalinado, Eraļanadu, Valluvanadu, and Nedumpuraiyürnada. Vēņadu is the Tamil name of the Travancore country. Vênápali is identified by Mr. Ellis with " Verapoli." Erålanadu or, as it is called in the smaller Kottayam grant, Erånadu,' is the territory of the Tamüdiri (Zamorin) of Kallikkottai (Calicut). Valluvanádu is still the name of a tálaka of the Malabar district. Nedumpuraiyürnkļu is the district of Palakkadu (Palghat), and is probably identical with Puraigilângdu in the Tirunelli grant. The last two names on the plate are those of the "sub-commander of the forces," and of the under-secretary who drafted the document.
First Plate; First Side. 1 Svasti eri [ilo] Kögðgmai-koņdag k8 6r-Packaran 2 Iravivanmar
pala-nûr-âyira3 tt=&ņdam sengol Dadattiy=&ļånigra yâu4 du irandam-andaikk-edir muppatt-&råm-andu Mu5 yirikkottu irund-araliya na! pirarådichcb=arn. 6 liya piras&dam=&vadu [ll] fssuppu Trapp&pukku 7 Adjuvannamum
vậyapattálu. 8 m pågadamım Aljuvanna-pperam pagal-vi. 9 lakkum påv-Adaiyum and8ļagamum kudaiyum
First Plate ; Second Side. 10 Vaduga-ppapaiyurmaga-kalamum idu-padiyum toraṇamum to11 raņa-vitánamum Saravam 8 mikkam elabatt-irandu vida12 pêrum kada-kkoduttôm [19] ulgunatull-kkaliyu13 m vittom [l] marrum nagarattil kudiga! kôyilkku
irukkumadu ivan igåmaiyum perumadu peravum
Aga=chchepp-êttodum seydu koduttôm [lo] Ailjuvanna16 m udaiyal Issuppu Irappapukkum ivan santati An17 makkalkkum pen-makkaļkkum ivan marumakkalkka18 m pen-makkaļai konda maramakkalkkum santati-ppira19 kiriti ulagum sandiranum all-alavam Adjuvannam Ba
Second Plate. 20 ntati-ppira kiriti [lo] śrî [ll*] Ippari ariven Vânad-u21 daiya Kovarttana-Mattåndap [19] ippari ariven Ven(a)
1 Madras Journal, Vol. XIII. Part i. p. 117, plate B, line 1.
- Compare the Tanjore inscriptions, in which Kammdņafdri or Kanmd afdri, 'the quarter of the Kammalar, is repeatedly referred to; South Indian Insoriptions, Vol. II, No. 4, paragraphs 1, 8, 9, and No. 5, paragraphs 1, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 25.
• Madras Journal, Vol. XIII. Part i. p. 118, plate B, line 10. • The slightly different form Brandu still survives as the name of a taluks of the Malabar district. • In Hobron-Jobson, p. 745, s. v. Zamorin, read Tdmddiri for Tdmdfiri. • Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 291, note 89. 7 From an ink-impression received from His Highness the Second Prince of Travancore. & Read Karamum.
. Read wdaiya.