and dauhittra, line 35, but not in tri, line 23; and (4) the doubling of d before , in bhumichokhiddra, lines 42-43, and bhaddra, line 44.
The inscription refers itself, in lines 5 and 6, to the reign of the Rashtrakata king Prabhàtavaraha-Jagattunga-Ghôvinda III.; and, in line 12, to the time of his nephew and fendatory, Govindaraja of Gujarat. And the object of it is to record that a subordinate of Govindaraja, the Mahasamanta Buddhavarasa, of the Salukika family, granted to some Brahmaps a village named Ghôvattana, situated in an estate, belonging to him, which was known as the Sibarakhi or Siharakkhil Twelve.
The date on which the grant was made, is the seventh tithi, called vijaya-saptami (line 43), -the week-day is not mentioned, of the bright fortnight of the month Paasha in the Nandana sanpatsara, Saka-Sarvat 735; the year being expressed both in words and in decimal figures, The samvatsara may be determined either by the mean-sign system, according to which it began on the 9th May, A.D. 812, in Saka-Samvat 735 current, and ended on the 5th May, A.D. 813, in 8.-8. 736 current; or by the southern luni-solar system, according to which it coincided with S.-S. 735 current. In either case the given Saka year has to be applied as a current year. And, for the tithi, the corresponding English date is the 14th December, A.D. 818 ; on this day the tithi was current during all the daylight hours, and ended at about 31 gh. 10 p., = 12 hours 28 minutes, after mean sunrise (for Bombay).
As regards the places that are mentioned, Siharakhi or Siharakkhi is very probably the modern Serkhi,' which, according to the Postal Directory of the Bombay Circle, seems to be somewhere close in the neighbourhood of Baroda. But I have no maps at hand in which to look for its exact position, and to see if any modern representatives of Gôvattana and its hamlet (%) Meshuvallika can be found.
First Plate. 1 Om Saka-pripa-kal-&tita-samvatsara-satéshu saptasu pañcha
tri(tri) gaty-adhikeshu Pausha-suddha2 saptamyam-ankato-pi samvatsara-satáni 785 Nandana-samvatsare
Paushaḥ śuddha 3 tithiḥ 7 asyam samvatsara-masa-paksha-divasa-parvvâyâm [] Parama
bhattaraka4 maharajadhiraja-param@svaraḥ sarach-chhabanka-kirana-nirmmala-yabo-nếukL avaganthi5 ta-mêdinl-yuvati-bhôkta Prabhutavarshaḥ srivallabhanarendrô Gôvinda
raja-nama 11 1 6 Jagatunga -tunga-turaga-pravșiddha-rên-Arddhva-ruddha-ravi-kiranam grish
me=pi nabhô nikhilam 7 právșitkälâyatê spashtam (II) Rakshatâ6 yêna ningesham chatur-ambôdhi
samyntam sa nunta
rajyam dha8 mmôņa lökänår krità tashțih pard hřidi (1) Bhrata? tu tasy-Endra
samâna-viryyaḥ śrimarno-bho
it take this opportunity of publishing a revised table of the Rashtrakuta dynasty of Malkbed, with its Gajardt branches. The numbers prefixed to some of the names indicate the members of the family who actaally reigned, and the order in which they succeeded each other.
The termination of this name seems clearly to be the Ksnarese arasa, 'a king. The person, therefore, had probably migrated to Gujarat from the Kanarese country. • From the original plates.
• Represented by a plain symbol. Metre: Arya.-- At the beginning of the verse, jagatunga is used by metrical license for jagattunga. • Metre: $16ka (Anushţubh).
7 Metre: Indravajra.
• Rend frnds.