No. 37.)
16 payôg-arthan-tattimiwavyavachchbêdên=&chandrårkkar yavat-kurvatah karayatô
Vê Semad-vamsajair-anyatarair=vvå bhåvibhir-bhû pålaih kåla-kålêshv=api
paripaṁthana 17 nå(na) kâryâ pratyut-êsmat-krita-prarthanaya sada tatti-sânåthyam vôdhavyan 11
Yataḥ samån=aiv=êyam punya-phal-& våptir=anumamtavyål Uktam cha bhagavata
pa 18 ramarshiņå vêda-vyåsena Vyåsena Vaba)hubhir=vyasudh bhukta råjabhiḥ
Sagar-&dibhiḥ | yasya yasya yada bhůmis-tasya tasya tada phalam il
Adityô Vara19 ņô Vayur-V vra(bbra)hma Vishạır-Hatåsanaḥ, bhagavân(n)-Śtlapāņischa
abhinandanti bhúmidam || Shashtim varsha-sa hasråņi Svargge tishthati
bhúmidaḥ Achchhêttä сh-Anumam20 ta che tâny-dva narakan vasêt | Yair-vvånchhitam sifiraddhiti-subhra
kirttêr-yaig=ch=Amara-pranayini-parirambhanasyal te sådhavd 18 hi baranti
parêņa da21 ttam dânâd=vadanti paripálanam sådhu 11-18 11 Sasanam ksitavân=Doddoc
likhitam tasya sünung | vyakta Sûraprasadena utkirņnam Hariņå tata
iti || 22 Tath Smushmai dévâys pårsveld@vakulika-chatushtaya4sdhô-jagatyari?
pratishthita-Vinayaka-sahitya [ha]tta-dânê gônimi prati hatta-vyavahâra(ri)ka
vim [3] ghastaks ]-kapakan prati gbţi. 23 tasya tailasya cha palik[8] dvå 2 vithim prati måsi [2(?)] vim 2 tath& vahih.
pravishta-chållikám prati parnnånam 50 taddévasya kritam=iti 11 11 Sri-Matha[na]} 11
SAKA-SAMVAT 919. BY F. KIELHORN, PH.D., LL.D., C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. These plates are said to have been found, in 1881, with the headman of 'Bhere,' a village about ten miles north of Bhiwandi, the chief town of the Bhiwandi tâlokê of the Thâņa district of the Bombay Presidency. I edit the inscription which they contain from excellent impressions, prepared by Dr. Fleet, to whom the original plates were lent by their present owner, Colonel A. F. Dobbs, late Madras Staff Corps.
These are three oopper-plates, the second and third of which are engraved on both sides, while the first is so on one side only. Each plate measures about 10%" broad. by 73' high. Their edges were fashioned thicker, so as to serve as rims to protect the writing; and, with the exception of a fow short passages on the first sides of the second and third plates, the inscription
This word, tattim, and the word tatti in the next line are quite clear in the rubbings, and cannot be read in any other way. The two previous editions of the text have tatrim in this line, and tatri or tatra in the next.
Metre of this verse and of the two next veries: śloka (Auushtabb). * Read maraka. • Metre : Vasantatilake. The construction in this verse is grammationlly incorrect. * Metre: sloks (Anushţabb). • This word, insted of which the two published versions of the text have déb, is quite clear in the robbings. 7 Instead of sdhdjagatyds, which is quite clear in the rabbings, the published texta bave ndajadidnydin. • Read goli. . See the Bombay Ganetteor, Vol. XIV. p. 60.
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