single day; his heroic son was king Raghavadêva; (and) from him was born the glorious king Pinnama.
(V. 7.) The son of this lord of the city of Åraviti was king Bukka, whose power was (continually) rising, (and) who firmly established even the kingdom of Sâļuva-Nộisimha.
(V. 8.) Just as Vishna (married) Lakshmi,- Bukka, the ornament of kings (and) the kalpa tree to scholars, married the prosperous Ballámbika, who surpassed the celestial nymphs by her personal beauty, (and) whose virtue was highly respected.
(V. 9.) As Lakshmi (bore) Kâma from Madhava, as Pârvati (bore) Kumâra from Samkara, and as Sachi (bore) Jayanta from Indra, so did Ballama bear a son, R&marája, who was renowned in the world, from the lord Bukka.
(V. 10.) As Lakshmi to Vishnu, so to this glorious king Ramaraja, who fulfilled the desires of all supplicants, Lakambikê was the queen.
(V. 11.) In consequence of (his) great austerities, there was born to him a son, king Srirangarija, the light of the race of the Moon, at whose brilliant splendouro wonder !-- the eyes even of the wives of (his) enemies became bright.
(V. 12.) Having wedded as (his) legal wife the virtuous Tirumalambika, who resembled Arundhati in good conduct, who at the same time surpassed the fame of the earth in patience, (and) who captivated (all) hearts by (her) good qualities, that foremost among heroes felt as happy as the Moon (by the possession of) Rohini.
(V. 13.) This powerful king begat by that Tirumaladevi the following three) sons in succession, the wise Råmarija, who was conversant with politios; the excellent Tirumalaråya; (and) king Venkatádri.
(V. 14.) Having killed in battle all dangerous enemies in the world, this heroic Ramaraja, who resembled by his great fame Bharata, Mann, Bhagiratha and other kings, ruled the circle of the earth.
(V. 15.) Among the three sons of king Sriranga, the wise (and) powerful king Tirumalamahårêya, as Hari among the trinity, having conquered hostile kings in battle (and) having been anointed to the matchless sovereignty, ruled the whole earth.
(V. 16.) At the coronation of this moon smong kings (and) foremost among the famous, this earth, being sprinkled with floods of water (poured out) at donations, occupied (as it were) the place of queen.
(V. 17. Just as the Saman and the other (three Vedas were produced) from the mouth of the Creator, as peace and the other (three) expedients from the brave Satyavách (?), (and) as Rams and his three brothers) from Dasaratha,-(thus) from that excellent king were born (four) sons of great fame :
(V. 18.) From him were born a king called Raghunatha; Srirangaraya, who was) a pdrijata (tree) to supplicants; the glorious Ramaraja, the moon of the earth; (and) the famous Verkstadêvarkys.
(V. 19.) Among these brothers, Srirangaraya, who had crossed the milk-ocean of policy (and) who was renowned in the eight regions, was crowned to the kingdom of Penugonda.
(V. 20.) After (him) the wise (and) glorious Venkatapatidevaraya ruled the earth, illumining the ten regions by (his) fame.
11s. he killed his enemies. As widows are not permitted to use collyriam, the eyes of the relicts of his deceased enemies had a bright appearance, though filled with tears. Hence the wonder.
• In this verse a virodhabadsa alankara, which does not admit of a literal translation, is hinted in the antithetic words Arundhatt and rundhatim.
* It is usual at a coronation ceremony to bathe both the king and the queen with water brought from various thas.