least we have hitherto found the title only within the current millenary. Among the Svêtâmbaras it is borne by several members of the Earshapuriya-gachchha. Later on there appears a separate Maladhari-gachchha, which must be derived from some eminent Svetambara, named Maladhårin; e.g. two representatives of this gachchha, Gunatilaka and Kshamasundara, are quoted in Samayasundara's Samachari-tataka. The earliest mention of a Maladhárin would be found among the Digambaras, if the date Saka-Samvat 975 for Maladhari-Hemachandra (Mr. Rice's Inscriptions at Sravana-Belgoļa, No. 55, pp. 49, 50, 141, and p. 37 of the Introduction) is correct. In the eleventh century of the Saka era, several Digambaras of the name Maladharidēva appear to have lived at Sravana-Belgola. One is mentioned in the Hampe inscription discovered by Mr. Sewell; and Mr. Rice's book refers to one who was a pupil of Divakaranandi and preceptor of Subhachandradeva (Saka-Samvat 1041; 10. No. 139, pp. 110 and 185), another in Saka-Samvat 1099 (No. 42, pp. 13 and 123) who was a pupil of Damanandin (Saka-Samvat 1040 P), and a third in Saka-Samvat 1045 (No. 43, pp. 17 and 124).
[There is a Digambara author called Mallishênacharya, three of whose works are named in Mr. Rice's Skt. MSS. in Mysore and Coorg,- the Någakumára-kavya (p. 302), the Prabhritakatraya-vyakhyana (p. 310), and the Mantravdda (p. 316). This author might be considered distinct from the Mallishêņa of the inscription, which does not refer to any literary products of the latter. An argumentum ex silentio is, however, out of place here; for Mallinatha, the composer of the inscription, appears to have been a professional panegyrist, who knew little of the ecclesiastical tradition and might have easily overlooked eventual works of Mallishêna on theological matters.]
[I have derived the above information on Maladhárin and Mallishêņa from Dr. Klatt's Jaina-Onomasticon, a book which contains an enormous amount of references, but requires thorough revision and condensation before it can be presented to the public. Only a specimen of the work was especially prepared for the press and printed in the Transactions of the Berlin Academy for 1892 (14 pages, 4).-E.L.]
4.- North Face. 1 श्रीमनाथकुलेन्दुरिंद्रपरिषद्यश्श्रुतश्रीम. 2 धाधाराधीतजगत्तमोपहमहपिडाकाडं 3 महत् । यस्माविर्मळधर्मवार्डिविपुत्रीवईमा.
[ना] सतां भर्तुभव्यचकीरचक्रमवतु श्रीवईमानी जिन: ॥ [१] जीया5 दर्थयुतेन्द्रभूति[वि]दिताभिख्यो गणी गौतमस्खा[मी] सप्तमह6 डिभिस्त्रिजगतीमापादयन् पादयोः । यहीधांबुधिमे7 त्य वीरहिमव[त्कारकी][कण्ठा] धांभीदात्ता भुवनं पुनाति वच. 8 नखच्छन्दमन्दाकिनी । [२] तीत्यगदर्शन]भववयदृक्सहसविसब9 बोधवपुषश्चतकेवलींद्राः । [नि]भिदता "विबुधवृन्दशिरोभिवं. 10 द्या स्फूजइच:कुळिशत: कुमताद्रिमुद्राः । [३] वरण्यः कथनु म. 11 हिमा भय भद्रबाहोर्मोहोरमसमदमहनवृत्तबाहीः ।
Prom inked entampages prepared by Mr.B. Krishna Bastri. • Bend विबुधवृन्द.