No. 24.]
18 Śva-dattam-para-dattam=val hareti vasunvará [l*)
pivati kilvisha[m=i)19 ti [1] Pravardhamana-vejoya-rajya-pratasatsarê
pañchamya[m] datt[a] pattika [llo]
Endorsement: First Plate; First Side 8 1 Madirai-ko[n]da K6-Pparakesaripanmar(kku] yand=irubattågåva2 [du] Kanchivậyil ágiya Igaŋmaraimangalattu 883 bhaiyðmum U[djaiyasandiramangalattu
sabhai4 yômum [10] ivv-irand=urômun=gadi or=ayinamaiyil 5 idan mér=pattadu ôr-ur=&y5 vâlv8m=A[90]m [1]
BY F. KIELHORN, PH.D., C.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. These plates were found by Mr. M. Aiyåsvâmi Aiyar, Inspecting Schoolmaster of the Chingleput tâluka, in the possession of the Mansif of the village of Onamkõjêri, four miles east of the Vandalur Railway Station. At Dr. Holtzsch's request, they were lent to him by the Tahsildar of Chinglepat; and I now edit the inscription from two excellent impressions, supplied to me by Dr. Hultzsch.
These are five copper-plates, the first and last of which have been engraved on the inner side only, while the others are so on both faces. They are numbered, on the first inscribed side of each plate, with the Telugu-Kanarese numerals from 1 to 5, as may be seen from the accompanying photo-lithograph. Each plate is between 7" and 74 broad, and, including the arch at the top, about 10%" high ; and the writing runs across the breadth of the plates. The plates are held together by & ring, which had been cut before they were received by Dr. Hultzsch. It is about 31 " in diameter and 3" thick, and holds a seal, the lower part of which consists of a smaller ring, through which the larger ring is passed. This seal is 18" in diameter. It bears, on a plain pedestal, the figure of a boar, which faces the proper right and is surmounted by a sword or dagger and by the moon and the sun. On the proper left side of the back of the fourth plate the writing has suffered slightly from corrosion; otherwise the plates are in a perfect state of preservation. The writer and engraver have done their work fairly well; but they have omitted ten aksharas (which we can supply from other inscriptions) at the end of line 23, and sixteen others (which we cannot supply) in lines 149-150, not to mention minor errors. The characters are Nandinigari, excepting the word fri-Virupaksha in line 199, which is in large Kanarese characters. The inscription offers the rare sign for jh, in the word pitôjhitas (for pitöjjhitas) in line 77; and it has a sign for the rough r, which is like the ordinary sign for combined with the superscript sign for the same letter, in the words múru, 1. 82, Serkalanirpaffu, 1. 99, and Uruvár, 1. 148. The average size of the letters is about " -The language is Sanskrit, and, excepting the words fri-Ganddhipatayé namah at the commencement of line 1, the whole is in verse.
1 Read Bra-dattam-para-dattan od kartta tarundhardm gandit fata. . Read -pijaya-rdjya prathama-lampattard Vaidkha-ndal fulla-pakald. * The text and translation of this endomement have been supplied by Dr. Hultasch. • Read úrom .
Read dr.