Narayana (II.) (v. 32). At this time (the Kakatiya) king Ganapati, who had defeated the kings of Chla, Kalinga, Sevana, Karnata, and Lata, conquered the country of Velanându, together with Dvipa (v. 34). Having taken to wife Nárama and Pêrama (i.e. Nåråmba II. and Pêramambi of verse 32), he took their younger brother Jays or Jayana into his service (v. 36 f.) and appointed him general (v. 38). Jaya had, on a previous occasion, defeated a certain Vairigödhåmagharaţta (v. 41).
The immediate object of the inscription is to record that the general Jâys built at Dvipa a temple of Siva, which he called Ganapêsvara or Ganapatiśvara in honour of his patron, king Ganapati (v. 44 f.), and the name of which survives to the present day in the hamlet of Ganapeśvaram. The date of the consecration of the temple was the tithi of Gauri in the bright fortnight of Vaisakhs of the Saka year 1168, which corresponded to the cyclic year Khara (v. 45). I am obliged to Mr. Dikshit for the following remarks on this date :
"The goddess Gaurt is supposed to have been born on the fourth tithi of Jyaishtha, but is considered as the regent of the third tithi. Consequently, the tithi of Gauri" might be meant for the third or fourth tithi. Observances in honour of Gauri are enjoined on both the third and the fourth tithi of some of the twelve months. One of these observances commences on the Chaitra sukla tritiyd and ends on the Vaisakha fukla tritiyd. This tithi ended in SakaSamvat 1153 expired, the Khara samvatsara, on Monday, the 7th April, A.D. 1981, at 11 gh. 10 p., and Vaisakha sukla chaturthi ended on Tuesday, the 8th April, at 7 gh. 13 p. Ujjain mean-time."
The Telugu portion of the inscription (lines 121 to 135) records that certain dues had to be paid by every boat touching at Nangegadda to the temple of Ganapatiśvars at Divi, and that Jayapa-Nayaka (i.. Jaya or Jayana of the Sanskrit portion) assigned the revenue of a number of villages to the same temple, and granted twenty-five cows, the milk of which was to be used for supplying ghee to a perpetual lamp.
A.-West Face. 1 श्रीकांतश्वियमातनोतु भवतां क्रोडाकृति
र्वारिधेरज्ञात्वाशु समुतां' लघुतयोध्ध
fafci fe [*] J asa frufragra4 ब्रह्मांडखंडे भृशं स्वस्थानस्थितियाचनोचित5 ue era una ETH [*) orafa farefa nizīt6 fiçdet hed ceafaucero: 57 7 capient sifa [1*] fufur faucoinafovanie
टभास्खलनककलशलग्ना राजतीव' प्रणाली । [२] गजा9 P: Ngâ re wifa Taufanfora: 98710 fefTorinichitatue
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See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. P. 199 f. * To Mr. G. V. Ramamurti, of Parld-Kimedi, 1 am indebted for the explanation of several Telugu terms.
: Both Divi and Dvipa, which occurs repeatedly in the Sanskrit portion, refer to the village of Talagada-Divi, near which the hamlet of Gapapevaram is situated. The form Divi must be derived from dlvi, which is Telugu tadbhata of dofpa, and which forms part of Peda-Divipan (ante, p. 82, note 2). From inked estampages.
Rend erat.
• Read . 1 Rojatt is a mistake, caused by the metre, for ndjanit.