PAGE 34. Persian and Arabic Muhammadan inscriptions from the Saba of Dihlt, No. II.; by Paul Horn, Ph.D. . . . . . . . . . . .
424 35. Sridhara's Devapatana Prasasti of Samn. 1273 ; by Prof. G. Bühler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.L.E. 437 36. Asoka's Rock edicts, according to the Girnar, Shahbâzgarhi, Kalsi and Mansehra Versions
(with facsimiles); by the same . . . . . . . . . . . 37. A Collection of Sanads of Moghul Emperors; by Paul Horn, Ph.D., Strassburg . 38. Further Pabhosa inscriptions; by Prof. G. Bühler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.L.E. . 39. An Additional note on the Baijnath Prasastis; by G. Bühler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.L.E. . 40. Notes on the Prakrit grant of the Pallava King Sivaskandavarma (Vol. I, pp. 2-10) by Profa.
Ernst Leumann, Ph.D., Strassbarg, and G. Bühler, Ph.D., LL.D., C.I.E. . . 483 Tables for calculating Hindu datos in true local time; by Hermann Jacobi, Ph.D., Sanskrit Professor, Bonn . .
. . . . 487 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Corrigends . . . . . . . . .
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Votive inscriptions from the Stapas at Sanchi . . . . . Further votive inscriptions from the Sanchi Stapas . . Further Jaina inscriptions from Mathura . . . . Specimens of Jains sculptures from Mathuri The Bhattiprolu Stúpa Buddhist casket inscriptions . The Pillar edicts of Asoka . . . . Asoka's Rock edicts, according to the Girnar, Shahbazgarhi, Kalal, and Mansehra ve The Jaina inscriptions of Satrumjaya . The Mahaban Prasasti of Sam. 1207 . . . . . . Sridhara's Devapatana Prasasti of San. 1273 . . . Further Pabhosa Inscriptions . . Additional note on the Baijnath Prasastis .
Note on the Prakrit grant of the Pallava King Sivaskandavarma. . BY H. H. DHRUVA, B.A., LL.B.:Three land-grants from Sankhedå in Gujarat .
. . . . . BY J. F. FLEET, PH.D., C.I.E., Bo. C. 8.:
Âtakar inscription of the time of Krishna III, dated Saks-Satavat 872 . . BY A. FÜHRER, PR.D., ARCHÆOLOGICAL SURVEY, NORTH-WESTERN PROVINCES Pabhosa inscriptions . . .
. . Copper-plate grant of Maharaja Lakshmana, (Grapta) Sam. 150 . . . . BY PAUL HORN, PH.D., STRASSBURG - Muhammadan inscriptions from the Saba of Dihlt (No. 1) . . . . . Ditto ditto
(No. II) . . . . . A Collection of Sanads of Moghal Emperors . . . . . . . BY PROFESSOR HERMANN JACOBI, PH.D., BONN:
Tables for calculating Hindu dates in true local time . . . . . BY PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, P=.D., C.I.E., GOTTINGEN :
Harsha stone inscription of the Chahamâna Vigraharaja [Sarh. 1030] . . . Badál pillar inscription of the time of Narayanapala . . . . . . Sangamner inscription of the Yadaya Bhillama IL, Sake, 922 . . . .
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116 . 160 . 213