Bendros copper-plate inscription of Karpadeva, the Chedi year 793. . . . Jabalpur copper-plate inscriptions of Yabahkarnadeva (A. D. 1122] . , . Bheraghat stone inscription of the queen Alhenadevt, the Chedi year 907 . . Towar stono inscription of the reign of Jayasimhadeve, the Chedi year 928 Stone inscription of Våghlt in Khandes, Sake 991 . Khalari stone inscription of the reign of Haribrahmaders . . . . Dubkund stone inscription of the Kachchhapaghata Vikramasitha, Sam. 1145 Karitalaf stone inscription of the reign of Lakshmanaraja . Nagpur stone inscription of the rulers of Malaya, Sam 1161 Govindpur stone inscription of the Poet Gangadhara, 6. 1059 . . Dudhpani rock inscription of Udayamana . Chitorgadh inscription of Mokala of Mew&d . .
Chitorgadh inscription of the Chanlukya Kumarapala, Sam. 1207 . BY PROFESSOR J. KIRSTE, PH.D., GRAZ:
Inscriptions from Northern Gujarat . . . BY PROFESSOR ERNST LEUMANN, PH.D., STRASSBURG:
Note on the Prakrit grant of the Pallava King Sivas kandavarman (in vol. I, pp. 2-10) BY PROFESSOR A. VENIS, M.A., BENARES - Copper-plate inscription of Vaidyadeva of Kamardpa .
. . Benares copper-plate grant of Govindachandra . . . . . . . .
. .
. 348 . 858
• 18€
FACSIMILES, ETC. 1. Sankhedå copper-plate grant of Dadda III, Ch. Sam. 346; by H. H. Dhruva, B.A., LL.B.
facing p. 30 2. Ditto ditto of Dadda IV, Ch. Sam, 391;
v 21 3. Ditto ditto of BalAdhikrita Santilla; 4. Harsha inscription of Chahamâna Vigraharaja, Sam. 1030, from impression by Lala Råm Bakhsh, Jaypur . . . . . . .
. . . 120 5. Three Muhammadan inscriptions from the Suba of Dili. 6. 7. Inscription of Hamayan, of A.H. 937; and Inscription of Akbar from Khokrakot, from impressions by Ghulam Husain . . . .
. . . 148-149 8. Badal Pillar inscription; impressed by H. B. W. Garrick . . . . . . 160 9. Mathura inscriptions (New Series) Nos. I-XV; by Dr. A. Führer . . . . 202 10. Ditto ditto Nos. XVI-XXVI;
. . . . 204 11. Ditto ditto XXVII-XLII;
. . 208 12. Pabhosa inscriptions: (1) outside, and (2) inside the cave; by A. Führer, Ph.D. . 242-248 13. Ditto
(3) at the modern Dharmaskli; by the same. . . . . 244 14, 15. Asoka Pillar inscription of Radhia; impressed by H. B. W. Garrick, Esq. . . . 248-249 16, 17. Ditto ditto at Mathiê; by the same . . . . . . 250-251 18. Ditto ditto at Rampurwa (fragment); by the same
252 19. Bhagalpur Muhammadan inscription of A.H. 850, and Mahdipur Muhammadan inscription of A.H. 891; impressed by J. D. Beglar, Esq. .
. . .280 20. Bihar Muhammadan inscription of A.H. 732; impressed by J. Bargess, LL.D., C.L.E.. 292 21, 22. Benares copper-plate grant of Karnadeva
. . . . 306-307 23. Mathura Jaina sculptures, Plate I. (from photograph), . . . . . 311 24. Ditto
ditto, Plate II. . . . . . . . . . . 25. Ditto ditto, Plate III. . . . . . . . . . .
26. Ditto ditto, Plate IV. . . . . . . . . . . 321 27, 28. Bhattiprolu Buddhist inscriptions, impressed by A. Rea, M.R.A.S. . . . . 324-326
Plate TY