No. 315.
मितसिरिया दानं भिक्षुनिया कोररिया []
The gift of Mitasiri (Mitraért), a nun of Kurara.
No. 316.
यदि भिgनिये वेदिखा दानं [*]
The gift of the nun Yakhi (Yakesht) from Vedisa.
No. 317.
रतिनय माहितिय दानं [1]
The gift of Ratina from Mahisati ( Mahishmati).
No. 318.
I. 1. रेविस मंदिनगारकस
I. 2. दानं []
The gift of Rebila," inhabitant of Namdinagara.
No. 319.
I. 1. रेवतिमिताय बलक
I. 2. स पजावति [या दा]नं [*]
Tho gift of Rovatimita (Revatimitra), wife of Balaka.
No. 320.
I. 1. वजिनिय भिखुनिया I. 2. दानं [ ॥]
The gift of the nun Vajinl (Vajrint).
Nos. 321-22.
I. 1. वरदतस दानं
I. 2. भगिनिया वरसेनाय
I. 3. दानं
The gift of Varadata (datta); the gift of (his) sister Varasena.
No. 323.
I. 1. वरदतस पजावतिय
L. 2. इसलय" दानं [ ॥ *]
The gift of Isala (Rishild), wife of Varadata (Varadatta)..
38 Meant for रविनिय, diminutive from रति or रत.
Probably meant for मंदिनागरकसः
90 This probably stands for Bebhila, like Aodda (No. 210) for Asddha. Mount for सिवाय.