Of course such a man cannot be a great ruler." If there were nothing else to connect this grant with the Gurjaras, the title bhogika of the minister for war and peace Aditya would be sufficient; for this appellation of an officer is not known to have been employed by any other line of kings. Again, the characters of this grant so closely resemble those of No. II, an admitted Gurjara grant, and other published grants of the family, that there can be no doubt about it.
The date is given in words as well as figures. It is "three hundred years exceeded by forty-six" and 346. The figures are not written in the usual manner, with the symbols for three hundred, forty, and six, but as they would be now, i.e. with the symbols for three, four and six. As the later Gurjara kings used the Chedi era, Samvat 346 probably corresponds with A.D. 595-96. This date exactly agrees with that of Dadda III., circiter 580 A.D., as given by Dr. Bübler. Hitherto we had no copper-plate grant or any other inscription of that monarch, which renders this plate an interesting find.
TRANSCRIPT. L. 1. पाचन्द्रार्कार्णवक्षितिस्थितिसमकालीन पुत्रपौत्रान्वयभोज्यमुदकातिसर्माण 2. प्रतिपादितं मातापित्रोरात्मनश्च पुण्ययशोभिहये पतोस्य ब्रह्मदेयस्थित्या क्रिषत x करि3. षापयतो वा न कैश्विगाषेधे वर्तितव्यमागामिराजभिरस्मदीर्वा सामान्य भूमि- . 4. दानफलमवेत्यायमस्महायोनुमन्तव्यः पालयितव्यश्चेत्युक्त च भगवता व्या5. सेन ॥ बहुभिर्वसुधा भला राबभिः सागरादिभिः यस्य यस्य यदा भूमिस्तस्य तस्य 6. तदा फलं ॥ षष्टिवर्षसहमाथि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः पाच्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च तान्थे7. व नरके वर्स' ॥ विध्याटवीष्वतोयामु शुष्ककोटरवासिनः कृष्णसर्पा भिजायन्ते 8. अनदेयापहारका[:] ॥ यानीह दत्तानि पुरा नरेन्द्रनानि धर्थियशस्कराणि निर्मा9. स्थवान्तप्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधु x पुनराददीत ॥ लिखित चाच सान्धिविग्रहिकेना10. दित्यभोगिकेन संवत्सरशतनयं षट्चत्वारिशोत्तरके ॥ ३४६
No. II.-Agrant of Ramagraha, dated Sam. 391. The plate measures 94 inches by 41 and contains ten lines of well preserved Gurjara characters, resembling those of the Umeta, Ilao and Bagumra grants. There are two holes at the top, showing where the rings originally were. The language of the grant is faulty Sanskřit.
The donee of the grant (I. 1) is the Brahmana Adityasarma (sic), the dataka (1.9the bhogika Palakatujinana, and the writer (1. 10) the samdhivigrahādhikrita
Matribhata. According to 11.9-10 the donor appears to be a son of Vitaraga, called Raņagraha, who is characterised as a worshipper of the sun (Dinakarakiranábhyar. chanarata) and as "the close relative of the illustrious Dadda" (éri-Dadda-pádántar. jnáti); for it is his sign-manual which was attached to the grant. The date is (1. 8) San. 391, Vaisakha bahula 15, i.e. the new moon of Vaisakha.
- Ind. Ant. vol. XVII, p. 191.
Read कृषत:. • Correctly वर्षयती. - Read श्रन्यैर्वा. - Read सगरादिभिः
- Read पसेत. • Read हिनायन्ते. . Read नये. 10 Read रिजदुसरव.