used instead of the palatal in naresvaraḥ, line 3, Kesavaḥ and aisvaram, line 6, and Kesavasya, line 8; and n instead of anusvára in Jayasinha-, line 4, (but not in Narasimha-, line 3). Besides, the text twice offends against the rules of samdhi.
The inscription, which opens with a verse in honour of Mahadeva (Siva), records the erection of a Siva temple by the nayaka Kesava (the son of the Brahman Âladeva, named Astaka (?)), a member of the Katyayana gotra and resident of the village 8tkha in Mala] vaka; during the reign of the king Jayasimhadeva, a younger brother of the king Narasimhadeva whom he had succeeded, and son of the king Gayakarna. And it is dated in the year 928, on Sunday the 6th of the bright half of Sravana, while the moon was in the nakshatra Hasta. Referring this date, again, to the Kalachuri or Chedi era, the corresponding European date would be expected to fall in A.D. 1177. In that year, the month Śrâvana was intercalary, for the solar Śrâvana lasted from the 26th June, 12 h. 3-2 m., to the 27th July, 23 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise, and there were new moons on the 27th June, 18 h. 30 m., and on the 27th July, 2 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise. Now, the 6th of the bright half of the first lunar Śrâvana corresponded to Sunday the 3rd July, when the 6th tithi ended 7 h. 35 m. and the moon was in the nakshatra Hasta up to 16 h. 25 m. after mean sunrise; and the 6th of the bright half of the second Sravana corresponded to Monday the 1st August, when the 6th tithi ended 18 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise and the moon entered the nakshatra Svati about sunrise. And, accordingly, there can be no doubt that the true equivalent of the date is Sunday the 3rd July, A.D. 1177, and that the bright half of Śrâvana, put down in the date, belonged to the first (or intercalated) Sravana.
The village Sikh å which, if the adopted reading is correct, was situated in Malavaka or Målava, I am unable to identify.
I. 1.
[1] ज्ञानानंद' परं ब्रह्म) व (म) आादिरसेवितं । वंदेम 2. हि महादेवं देवदेवं जगहुरुम् ॥ श्रीमायाक
3. वर्णनृपस्य सूनुर्व्ररेख (ख) र: श्रीनरसिंहदेवो' । जिम्ये धरि
4. बोमनुजख सम्राट" जीवाचिरं चीजयसिहदेवः " ।
5. वि[प्रोयोस्त] "कना [माभू ] दालदेवस्तदाभवः ।
6. केस (घ) व कारयामास प्रासादममुमेख (ख) रम् ॥ 7. सम्वत् * ९२८ श्रावणसुदि ६ रवौ हस्ते ॥
8. नायककेस (घ) वस्य गोवं कात्यायनं स्थानं मा[ल?]-" बजे सीखायामः ।"
For two similar dates compare the Indian Antiquary, vol. XVIII, p. 212, and vol. XIX, p. 36, No. 62.
From the impressions.
Expressed by a symbol.
7 Metre, Sloka (Anushțubh).
• Metre, Upajati.
• Read :.
10 Read सम्राड्.
11 Read fe:.
n Metre, Sloka (Anushtubb).
13 The reading of the aksharas in these and the following brackets is not quite certain, because some of them look as if they had been partly erased and recut. The intended reading may possibly be fauererurizer.
14 Read संवत्.
15 The akshara in these brackets is so peculiarly shaped that it is impossible to say what it is meant to represent. I adopt Dr. Hall's reading of it, but am not certain of its being correct.
1 This line is on the proper left margin.