No.9 = C. 19. धमरखितस भिछुनो दानं [*] "The gift of the monk Dhamarak hita (Dharmarakshita)."
No. 10 = C. 20. पठस कमिकस दानं [*] " "The gift of Atha (Artha), the labourer (2)...
No. 11 =C. 23. L. 1. सामनेरस
2. पबेयकस
3. सेठिनो दानं [1] " Thegift of Samanera, the Abeyaka sheth (i.e. the Sheth of atonon or village called Aba or Amba, in Sanskrit Ámra-gráma).
No. 12 = C. 24. प्रातिठानस भिकुनी हाटियस प्रतवासिनो दानं [] "The gift of the Pratithana monk (i.e. the monk from Pratishthana), pupil of Hatiya."
No. 13 = C. 25. उदुबरधरियस सीहरखितस दानं [*] The gift of Siharakhita (Simharakshita), inhabitant of Udubaraghara (Udum. baragriha)."
No. 16 = C. 30. धमरखिताय मधुवनिकाये दानं [*] " The gift of Dhamarakhita (Dharmarakshita), inhabitant of Madhuvana."
No. 16 = C.33. L. 1. [गोतिपुतस L. 2. भंडुकस
L. 3. भिछुनो दान [1] "The gift of the monk Bhamduka. son of .Goth (i.e. of a mother of the Gaupta race).
No. 17 = 0.34. L.1. वेजजस गामस दा
L. 2. नं [1] "The gift of the Vejaja village." "
" The introke in expressed by a prolongation of the upper right limbof.म.
• With the proper name Samaners (Srdmanera), literally "anovic compare the name Sumand; Bharbut Inscr.. ed. Hultzacb, No. 29, and Samana; I, C. 179.
. The n in faint and blurred, the Annarkra distinct. Both stand aborstboline. 4 Regarding the correctness of Prinsep's interpretation, which the above translation follows, see the Introduetion.