MAY, 1933]
My share of the invoice in comp. with Mr.
Harris Respondentia lent the Sergeant of Palliacat. Ditto lent John Dematt .. .. ..
4528. 31. 30
500. - - 1000. -.
8299. 11. 30
Goods in the hands of George Torriano (20)
as pr list amount to .. .. ..
610. 14. 16
01933. 6.7
14871. 18. 77
Stock dr. to sundry accounts per ..
For sev'ral debts which I owe at
interest respondentia &ct, vízt. Owners of the Bonita borrowed at responden.
tia on the Jerusalem borrow'd at interest .. ..
3030. 28. 18 11696. 2. 1
14726. 30. 19
My daughter Carolina recd. of Mr. Benyon
her first dividend of the Anne under my brother Trenchfeild .. ..
144. 24. 58
14871. 18. 77
Stock dr. to account current London
P. 2222. 8. for Stg. £1000 over credited the former account .. .. .. ..
Owners of the Bonita dr. to account of com
mission P. 664. 4. 53 for commission of goods bot. for the China voyage by Mr. Harris and myself .. .. .. ..
664. 4. 53
Voyage to China per London(1) dr. to stock
P. 80 for what I believe will be the last dividend of 2000 pegs. [sic] stock .. ..
80. - -
Auga Nuree(s) my account respondentia dr.
to owners of the Bonita P. 1000 for so much borrow'd of them at interest and lent him as per his bond
1000. -
(NOTES ON DOCUMENT No. 115.) (*) Member of Council in Calcutta and Scattergood's attorney in Bengal. He died on 3 January 1721.
(3) This was an unfortunato investment, for the William, Captain Jonathan Wilson see ante, Document No. 93, p. 187), arrived at Fort St. George from Surat, on 20 June 1720, a week before the Bonita sailed for China, "having lost her passage to Persia." On 22 August she sailed for Bengal (Fort St. George Diary).
(3) The Sampson, Captain Henry Cave, arrived at Fort St. George from Mooha on 24 September 1718 and again from the same place on 8 September 1719 (Fort St. George Diary),
(4) Scattergood seems to have failed to recover this debt from Georgo Wyche, his co-supercargo in the second voyage of the Amity to China, in spite of his efforta (ne Document 82, n. 14, p. 149).