[ MAY, 1933
Voyage to Goa per Stratford()
subscribed .. .. .. 500
Mr. Phips under me .. .. 250 Voyage to Pegue and Surat per Lusitania concerned under
Messrs. Alexander and Stephen Orme(10) .. .. .. Voyage to Pegue per Hartford brigantine ; lent Captn. Heron at respondentia(11) .. ..
250. - - 2000. - -
31308. 2. 57 1666. 24. -
1294. 8. 54
Voyage to Junk Ceylone, Malacca &ct. per Katherine 12)... Voyage to Eastward per Dover(13) concern'd
under Mr. Benyon .. .. 1500
Mr. Godfrey under me .. 205. 27. 26 Voyage to Malacca & Surat per the
Jerusalem(14) .. .. .. .. 10000 concerned under me
John de Matt .. .. 2000 Mr. Godfrey .. .. 200
2200 Voyage to Surat, China and Surat per Anne alias Charlottu 15) concern'd under E. Trenchfield .. ..
.. P.
1500. recd. first dividend .. .. .. .. 594. 16. 70 Captn. Chinese(16) at Malacca vizt. concern'd with him in a vessell..
2665. 12. goods sold .. .. .. 1701. 4 goods left with him .. .. 3351. 4 5052.8
905. 19. 10
7718. -
3859. --
@ 2 rs. per pagoda .. Goods bot. of Mackmath(17) for my of
1600 rps. bot. of him Chunqua left with him .. .. .. Cudgin(18) left with him Oyl of cinamon 299 ounces . . . . . . Voyage to Manilla per Trepopilore leut Cor
doza at respondentia(19) .. . . Goods in the hands of Aga Percz as per list .
100. - - 1682. 1021. 9. 456. 25. -
Ps. 51023. 16. 41
200. - -
Voyage to Malacca per Jerusalem for my of
4000 pagodas left at Palliacat by Mr. Hugo
nin as by his note . Voyage to China per Bonita 1720 vizt. Goods for Malacca as per invoice .. .. Gold rosewater bottles .. .. .. Chest inedicines &ct. valued at .. Left in China last yuar on Mr. Hordens
accot, which I hare bot. of hiin
1300. 16.
170. - 100.