[$ 352-353
Skr, dhätu-, Kš. tāt, gleet. Skr, dugdha-, Ş. (so also EPh.) dut, milk. P. dhia, Gujuri of Kašmir ti, a daughter.
Cf. (Skr, ausadha-, äşadhi, WPh. (Jn.) ökali, CPh. (Km.) aukhal, medicine; Bhili vdhām- or thăm., run; dhola or thö!, white (LSI, IX, iii, 11).
b, v > p (Cf. Shb. padham). Skr. évasurah, Bš. psūr, a father-in-law. Bš. purdū, an old man; but Kš. bud", H. buddha. Bš. parti, a portion ; H. bac.
So Bx. aspāp, property, Ar, asbāb; Bš. tapip, a doctor, Ar. tabib; Bš. ev, one, compared with V. ip-in; Kh.ispa, we, for Skr. asma, through *asva ; Bš. V per-, pet-, Skr. r vand-, vant-, divide ; Kh. ispusär, Grw. išpo, Tir. spaz, sister, Skr. avasar. (cf. Shb. spasunam); V. cipu, four, Avesta ca vāro, through *cavvāro (cf. Waxi tsābür); V. pseh, what?, Av. cuant (Ps. L. 78); Ks. hap, a corpse, Skr. ava- ; Kš. pop, ripe, Skr. pakvaka-, through *pavvaka- ; Kš. pöz, a falcon, Prs. bāz; S. săip, Ar. sāhib, a gentleman; Kš. bāpat-, conceming, Ar, bābat.
So WPh. (Kth.) parci, for H. bar'ci or bar'chi, a spear; CPh. (Km.) baithā or paithā, seated (LSI. IX, iv, 234); kām-dyăptă, for kāma-dēvatā, the god of love (LSI. IX, iv, 144); Bhili, ubi or upa, upright (LSI. IX, iii, 11); L. V sip-, sew (Skr. sīvyati, Pr. sivvai).
bhph, p. Skr. r bhrajj-, Bxr parc., burn; Wai. jip, a tongue, Skr. jihva, through jibbhā; Gujuri of Kašmir, parno for bharno, to fill; pukkho for bhukkho, hungry.
Cf. Bhili, bhāi or phãi, a brother ; pūta, for bhūta., a devil; pukhē, for bhākhē, by hunger (LSI. IX, iii, 11, 110, 158).
1 Such as B. kharap, for Ar. xarab, bad; R. (Mlv.) jawap, for Ar. jawab, an answer (LSI. IX, ii, 267).
352. Disaspiration. See $ 96. This is common in the OuLAVs. and ILAV8. Disaspiration of surd consonants is chiefly confined to the South and East, while that of sonant consonants is also common in the North-West. Bhn. (178) points out that when there are two aspirates in the same word, one is often disaspirated. Thus
Skr. bhiksuh, a beggar bhikkhu M. r bhik-; S. bikha, but H. bhikch, alms. bubhikṣā, kunger buhúkkha M. bhuk, R. bhūk, WPh. (Kth.) bhök, s. békha,
but H. bhūkh. So L. ghiddha, ghiddā, or giddā, taken, in va.
rious dialects. mahárghaka, mahággladü H. EH. B. Bg. A. mihăgă, EPh. S. máhăgo. costly
P. máhīgā, L. maha gā, M. mahág, 0.
maharga, A. (also) magar, G. mõghî. sárdhasya, of one
náddahe G. R. sáda, M. sáde, Bg. sárē; but H. EH. B. plus a half.
Bg. (also), 0. sárhe, P. L. sádhë, s. sádhā In all IAVs. this is in an oblique case, and
is used adverbially. So Standard L. dhidth, dhidh, but NL. dhidd
and tēd, the belly. hásta, a hand hátth
M. R. Bg. A. 0. hat. Others häth, &c. 353. But disaspiration is by no means confined to these cases. The following list is more complete than that given in $ 96. Skr.
Ap. khk tiksatē, he learns bikkhai M. R. CPh. r sik- ; others rsikh-. puskaraḥ, a pond pókkharu Bg. pukur; others pokhar, &c.