also the above NP. change may have occurred under the influence of Dardic, but as the case is a peculiar one, I have mentioned it separately. Cf. however, NL, khiddha, for ghiddhā, below. In Dardic, this hardening is very common, and occurs both in the case of borrowed words, and also in the case of words which may be compared with Av. or Skr. It must be remembered that the Dardic languages possess no sonant aspirates (cf. NP. sonant aspirates above), and hence, when an original sonant aspirate is hardened, it is represented in Drd. by an unaspirated surd. Thus :
>k. Cf. Shb. maka-. Skr. khadga-, Ks. khadak-, a sword. Prs. gala, Siyni, gala; Bš. kile, Wai, kele, V. kil, kili, but Gwr. gila, all signs of the
plural. Cf. GIP. II, ii, 314 ; P. L. 31. Skr, avaghatita-, H. aughar, uncouth, aughat, steep; Bx. ukas, steep. Prs. lagam ; Kš. läkam, a bridle. Ar. "idgāh ; Kš. yödykāh, a place reserved for celebrating the 'id. Skr. ghaffyatē ; S. khutē, but H. ghatë, he is deficient.
Skr. Sükara- ; WPh. (Kth.) sungro or sunkrő, a hog (cf. 275).
Compare also the curious case of hardening combined with metathesis in WPh. (Kl.) kaimir for magsir (märgasirsah), a certain month, and Kš. (Kastawāri) ankuci for anguji, a ring.
ah Th. this of course cannot occur in Dardic, but in the Northern Pth. dialect of Lahndā, closely bordering on Kašmir, we have khíddha for the regular L. ghiddhā, taken. Cf. NP. above.
gh, y k. Prs, kāyad; Kš. kākaz, paper; WPh. (Handūrī) ghörā or köră, Gujuri of Karmir körö (ghotakab), a holise ; Turki côyā, 8. šuka, a coat ; Skr. ghäsa-, KI. khās but Ks. gasa, grass. So Bhili, khödő or ködő, a horse; gher, ger, g, or kher, a house; kālā, for M. ghālā, put (LSI. IX, iii, 11, 158).
Sc (or 8). Skr. r bhraj., Bir parc-, burn; Skr. jivana-, Bš. dion, life : Skr. kşudya-, Pr. khujja-, K r khots., fear; H. äjhū, Bš. ocu, a tear.
So CPh. lēkha-cokhā, for H. lēkha-jhokha, computation. L. dial. maric. for marij-. pas. sive base of r mär-, strike.
2 8. Av. biza-, Munjani wuz; Wai. wasei, a she-goat.
d . Ki, drat", firm (Skr. drdha-, through *drda-). Cf. NL. ted for Standard L. dhidh. the belly. Bhili fāhi or dāhi, a cow (LSI. IX, iii, 11). CPh. jhanļi, for H. jhandi, a flag.
d i. Skr. at dami., B. Vatamš., bite, sting; Skr. padam, Bš. potim, on foot; Skr. évu pada., Kš. hāpat, a bear; Skr, bhädrapada-, Kš. bäd"rapet-, name of a month ; Skr. dvär., Av. dvar., V. tār-ek-, a house ; Prs. dāman, Bš, taman, the skirt of a garment.
Cf. Dödi Siraji (a mixed dialect of Ks. and IAV.) to, postposition of genitive, for P. da. NL, kāgat, for Prs, kāyad, paper; WPh. (Cm., Curāhi) dant, for the more usual dānd, an ox (Skr. danta : (Cm., Pangi) antar, for Prs, andar, within; dant, for Prs, dand, a tooth; jinta. for Prs. zinda, alive :( Jn ) umto, for Ar. 'umda, excellent; CPh. (Km.) kāgat as in NL. ; sared or saret, a bargain; süt, for Prs, süd, interest; pölin or pădină (Prs. podina), mint ; Bhill, lito or lido, taken (LSI. IX, iii, 11).
dh>th, 0, (Cf. Vedic v nádh-, näth-, Av. näd., von Bradke, ZDMG. xl, 680). Skr. r dha, dadhāti, Av. r die, dadāiti ; Bt. r tē, §. r tha-, do, make.
Skr. grdhna., K. gät (with cerebralization of i owing to the presence of r and r), Vulture.