[ JANUARY, 1930
turos equidem intelligo istos, qui huc convenere.' sonally I should rather profer still more than forIn 2, 2, Mr. Hill, liko other translators, renders Katm erly.' In 8, 17, the translation correctly pro. mala by despondency '; but it is in reality identi- suppones that we read ye for yad which is, however, cal with moha. The verse 2, 11, has been correctly in Mr. Hill's text. And in 9, 33 : lokam imam prdpya rendered by Mr. Hill, though it was at one time the will most probably mean: 'thou who hast come object of a rather fanciful emendation, which might into this world.' perhaps have been mentioned in the commentary. Parve catedro manaval in 10, 6, must, no doubt, On the curious construction of 2, 38, there is not the go together and not as parue calvdro + mananal.. slightest remark though it has boon commented Likewise in 10, 13, Asita and Devala are not two upon by various scholars.7
separate persone, but the well-known old seer Anita On the verse 2, 46, there is a somewhat extensive Devala who visited the child Siddhartha, the future literature, cf. Pavolini, Album Kem, p. 141 ag, Buddha. In 10, 28, the Forefather Kandarpa Fritzsche, Vierteljahrsachrift for Philosophie u. Sozio should be the Procreator K.' The translation, in Iania. xvi. 354. Belloni Filippi, ZDMG.Iviil, 379 | 11, 30, of tejoblir dpdrya jagas aamagram by 'thou aq.; Jacobi, ibid. lviii, 383 sq.; Sohrador, ibid. lxiv, 1 fillost the wholo universe with the glory,' would be 336 sq. Of all these scholars, Professors Pavolini correct if for 'glory' were read flames. In and Schrader have, with the help of the native 11, 32, rte'pi tudm are correctly rendered by Schlegel: commentaries and parallel passages from Indian 'te solo excepto.' In 11, 37, the translation of tatpa. literature, interpreted the passage quito intelli- ram by 'that Supreme' is senseless; the correct vibly; it simply means: 'w much to as there rendering is found in the quotation given in the is in a tank when everything else is flooded by footnote. And in 17, 19, müdhagrdhesa is less water,' ete. In 2, 53, the rendering of frutivi aptly rendered by: 'with fond conviction.' pratipannd by perplexed by what is heard' We have also noted some slight misprints in the is probably a slip, as it gives not the slightest sense ; . Sanskrit text which may perhaps be mentioned it must mean turned away from holy lore (fruti).
t h ere. Thug in 2, 37, read bhakayade mahim; in 2, 53, In 2, 54, Boehtlingk. Sitz.ber d. adcho. Ges.
theyati; in 4, 22, nibadhyate; in 5, 14, karmaphala. d. Wiss., 1897, p. 89.. wanted to read and for whaedamyoga: in 6, 23, yogo, nirvignacetaed (thus cor. which is, of course, fanciful : in the second half of rectly the translation); in 9, 15, ekatrena; in 11, 16, this verse the translation ought to run thus : 'Does
vivarúpa (thus the translation); in 14, 26, brahma. the man of steadfast mind talk? Does he sit 8
bhdydya; in 15, 4, prapadyed (op. p. 238, n. 1); in 18, (immovable)? Does he move about ?'
31, pdrtha. In 11, 41, mahindnam tavedam is probab. With the verso 3, 13 op. (except Manu iii, 118)
ly not a miaprint though Schlegel-Lassen have the RV. X, 117, 6, as well as Professor Sieg, Sagenstoffe,
correct tapemam; and in 11, 43, the author mentions p. 9, and the present writer, ZDMG., lxvi, 46. In
the correct reading guror garlydn in the footnote, the translation of 3, 16, we ought to reject the word
but without making use of it in his text and transla. *with,' and read "he who .. turns not the wheel,
tion-gurur gariyan is, of course, next to senseless. to obtain the correct sense. Lokanat graha in 3, 20
Dr. Rajwadlo somo years ago published a fairly ex. (and elsewhere) scarcely means 'guidance, but tensive list of grammatical and literary misdoinge rather support of the world.
committed by the author(s) of the BhagavadgitA. 10 In 5, 4, children should, of course, be fools.
That paper, in spite of its usefulness, was in the In 5, 8, manyeta is not very aptly rendered by the
main a failure, for epic texts like this one cannot simple thinks.' As for 5, 10, the present writer
be judged by the standards of Panini and Patajali would venture the humblo question whether a
or of the authorities on Alamkára. But, no doubt, lotus-leaf can really be 'smeared' by water: the
the Bhagavadgita contains shocking things from English word, anyhow, does not here render the
grammatical point of view such as prasavigyadham real sense of lipyate. In 5, 11, doma fuddhaye most
(3, 10), nivasinyari (12, 8), md ducak (16, 5) or the probably must be co-ordinated with sangam tyaltod.
vocative he wakheti in 11, 41.11 Mr. Hill has, how. In 5, 17, the words: their stain by knowledge
ever, withheld his opinion on these absurdities, cleansed' would translate an expression jndnanirdh
which is perhaps the wisest course to follow. qulakalmapd but not the present reading nirdh.
We have allowed ourselves to criticise a few minor dia'; and in 5, 18, vinaya scarcely means 'humility.'
El points in Mr. Hill's work. But on the whole we Sambalpa in 6,2-24, is not exactly 'purpose,' but
have found it thoroughly satisfactory and should rather wish.' And in 6, 43, I doubt whether tato
like to congratulato him upon his fair amount
of success. bhdyal really means 'thence. ... once more; per.
JARL CHARPENTIER. 6 Schlegel correctly : perturbatio.
• Op. Speyer, ZDMG., lvi, 123 sq., contra Boehtlingh, ibid. Ivi, 200; Oldenberg, Goett. Nachrichten 1919, p. 332, n. 3.
1 Op. Schlegel. Laren, Bhaponadgid, P. xxix n.: Johansson, Monde Oriental ii, 84 ; Rajwade, Bhandarkar, Comm., vol. p. 329.
• Cp. 2, 61. On him ep. Windisch, Veslachrift . Kuhn, p. 6 sq. 10 Op. Bhandarkar, Comm., vol. p. 325 sq.
11 As for this last form I do not believe in Rajwade's explanation (sakheti) but rather think with Lamen that it is due to the correct) form otheti in the previous line.