[OCTOBER, 1929
3. Ghar jawe te båviận 8 lânt 'Ane 10 4. Nal tuhmatån de qadhan jan, Miin5. "Nadhi Hir Syal di paran leâwen,
6. Tadan jânili tain-nun jawan, Mián." 1. With (vile) words to Ranjha
1. They were taunting Ranjha, - 2. His seven brothers abused him.
2. Soven brothers which he had. 3. They turned him out of the house with 3. If he goes home he meets with taunts scorn and curses,
from his bhábián (brothers' wives), 4. On hoaring these words from a tra- 4. Who wore worrying his life with false veller
allegations. 5. “Go and get the troth pledge of Hir 5. "Should you win the hand of Hir, the the Sy&l.
Syal girl, 6. She is fit lover for a youth like 6. Then we will concede you to be a
brave man."
3. Ch&i vanjli, khûndi te nal bhurd, 3. He took his flute brown with use, 3. He took his flute, stick and blanket,
6. Hathún sakna be rozgår, Mián.
8. Kohri karegå agan kaltar, Mian. 6. Without & livelihood save by my . Empty-handed and without any sourhands, Sir,
ces of livelihood. 8. What commands the Creator will give. 8. What God will do next.
2. Ranjha howe khald hariânia jeha. 2. Ranjhe was left alone and perplexed. 2. Ranjha, being perplexed, stood there.
Chim 18
4. Girdi baith bharîndian muthienf. 4. And they sat down and began to pound 4. And sat around and began to shampoo grain.
1. Qigge 14 Bbágbhári 16 kolon dasiyae. 4. Whose tale is told with that of Bhåg. 4. Some good-natured girl from near by bhari.
Khe. 4. Rawan nadi ten sêyan de nål hôi
5. Pahle már muhane nun chir kita : 4. Coming to the river with her compa- 4. And started from the stream with her nion,
companions, 5. First she began to scold the boat 5. First she beat the boatman very man :
Dai. 2. Ap us-di Hîr tamam hâî :
3. Ranjhe Akhiể: "pel-he palang Hire ?" Road bhdblan. . Read lan : the should be separated from this word and joined to that following. 10 Read f'ane." 11 Read jdnie. Jani is incorrect. 19 Read hairan. 18 Read Che, 14 Read kise.
14 For Bhdgbhdrl, road bhdgbhart,