MARCH, 1928
1007. Lord of the Red Elephant, Lord of the White Elephant, Thado, the Lord of
the Law. B.E. 1007 A.D. 1645. Mintari and D'ammarâza both mean Lord of the Law,
but tard means the Civil Law and dhamma the Canonical Law. No. 7 obv. and rev. are inscribed -
1014. Shwinan: thak'en Sanda sud'ammaráza. 1014. Lord of the Golden Palace, Moon of the Lord of the Holy Law.
B.E. 1014=A.D. 1652. Sandasud'ammaráza=Chanda sudhammaraja. No. 8 obv. and rev. are inscribed :
1047, Shwe nan: thak'en Warad'ammaráza. 1047. Lord of the Golden Palace, Lord of the Excellent Law. (Varadhammarája). B.E. 1047.A.D. 1685. (Varadhammaraja). This coin is important as it correcte
the list of Arakan kings, where he is stated to have succeeded in B.E. 1054=
A.D. 1692. No. 9 oby, and rev. are insoribed :
1072. Shwenan: thak'en Sandawizaya. 1072. Lord of the Golden Palace, Sandavizaya.
B.E. 1072-A.D. 1710. Sandavizaya=Chanda-vijaya, which means the Moon of Victory. No. 10 oby. and rev. are inscribed :
1093. Shwinan: thak'en Sanda-Thúriya-Raza. 1093. Lord of the Golden Palace, King of the Moon and Sun. B.E. 1093=A.D. 1731. Sanda-Thûriya-Râza=Chanda-Sûriya-Raja, Lord of the Moon
and Sun. No. Il obv. and rev. are inscribed :
1097. Shwenin: thak'en Narapawaráza. 1097. Lord of the Golden Palace, the King, the Purifier of men (Narapavarâja).
B.E. 1097-A.D. 1735. No. 12 obv. and rev. are inscribed :
1104. Shwênan : thak'en Nara-apayaráza. 1104. Lord of the Golden Palace, the King, the Punisher of men (Nar&påyaraja).
B.E. 1104=A.D. 1742. No. 13 oby. and rev. are inscribed :
1123. Shwênàn: thak'en Sandaparamaráza. 1123. Lord of the Golden Palace, Superior Lord of the Moon.
B.E. 1123=A.D. 1761. No. 14 obv. and rev. are inscribed :
1126. Shwinan : thak'en A pdyamaharáza. 1120. Lord of the Golden Palace, the Great King of Punishment.
B.E. 1126= A.D. 1764. No. 15 obv. and rev. are inscribed :
1135. Shwenån: thak'en Sandasumanaráza. 1135. Lord of the Golden Palace, Happy Lord of the Moon. Sumana was also the
name of one of the 24 Buddhas and the allusion may therefore be classical. B.E. 1137=A.D. 1773. No. 16 oby. and rev. are inscribed -
1140. Shwepyithak'eii D'ammaritrdza. 1140. Lord of the Golden Land, Lord of the Kingdom of the Law.
B.E. 1140=A.D. 1778. D'ammaritrâza=Dhammar&jrâja, and is so written in Burmese. No. 17 oby, and rev. are inscribed :
1144. Shwênan: thak'en Mahathamadaráza.