NathadvarSiar, on the Banas, twenty-two miles north-east of Udaypur in Mewar. It
contains the celebrated original image of Keśava Deva removed by Rånå Raj Singh from Mathura in anticipation of Aurangzeb's raid. Nausarl-Navarashtra in the Baroach district, Bombay. Nawal_Navadevakula, thirty-three miles north-west of Unao near Bangarmau in Oudh,
and 19 miles south-east of Kanouj, visited by Hiuen Tsiang. It was the Alavi of the
Buddhists and Jainas; but see Alrwa. Naya-Tirupati-Nava-Tripadi, twenty miles to the east of Tinnivelli, visited by Chaitanya. Nepal-1. Nepåla. 2. Himavanta. 3. Kimpurushavarsha. Nerbuda-1. The river Narmada. 2. The Murald. 3. The Purwa-Ganga. 4. The Reva. 5. The
Murandala. It rises in the Amarakantaka mountain. Newuj-The river Nirvindhyâ, a tributary of the Chambal. Nigambod-Ghat-Nigamodbodha-tirtha of the Padma Purana, in old Delhi (Indraprashtha). Nigliya - In the Nepalese Terai, north of Gorakhpur and thirty-eight miles north-west of the Uska station of the Bengal and North-Western Railway. It has been identified by Dr. Führer with Kapilavastu, the birthplace of Buddha. The ruins of Kapilavastu lie eight miles north-west of Paderia, which has been identified with the Lumbini garden where
Buddha was born. But see Tilaurå. Nilakantha-A celebrated place of pilgrimage, containing the temple of Nilakantha Maha.
deva, at the foot of the Seopuri mountain, to the north of Katmandu in Nepal. Nileswaram-Nelcynda in the Malabar Coast. Nilgiri-I. The Nila Parvata or Nilachala in the district of Puri in Orissa. II. 1. Darddura.
2. Durddura. 3. Darddara Parvata, in the Madras Presidency. Nimkhårvan-Naimisharanya, twenty-four miles from the Sandila station of the Oudh and
Rohilkhand Railway, and twenty miles from Sitapur, on the left bank of the Gumti. It
was the abode of sixty-thousand Rishis many of the Puranas were written at this place. Nimsar-Same as Nimkhårvan. Nira-The river Nibára, a tributary of the Bhima. Nizam's State-1. Andhra. 2. Tailanga. 3. Tri-Kalinga, between the Godavari and the Krishna. Northern Circars-1. Kalinga. 2. Bengi-deśa. The southern portion of the Northern Circars
between the Chikakol river and the Godavari was called Mohana-deśa at the time of the
Mahabharata; the northern portion was then part of Kalinga. Nuddeå-Navadvípa in Bengal, the birth-place of Chaitanya. It was the last Hindu capital
of Bengal, conquered by Bakhtiar Khiliji in 1203. To the north-east of the present Navadvipa at the distance of about a mile are the ruins of Ballala Sena's palace, and there is also
a tank of Ballala Sena called Ballala-dighi. Nundgåon-Nandigrâma of the Ramdyana in Oudh, where Bharata resided during the exile
of Ramachandra. It is about ten miles to the south of Fyzabad, near Bharatkunda. Nurpur--1. Audumvara. 2. Odumvara, in the Panjab; its capital is Pathankot which was
anciently called Pratishthana. The district of Nurpur is now called Gurudåspur Nyni Tal-The lake Tri-Rishi of the Skanda Purana, in the United Provinces. Nysatta-Nyea of the Greeks, on the northern bank of the Kabul river, about two leagues below Hashtanagar. See, however, Nanghenhar.
o. Ohind-Udakhanda, on the right bank of the Indus, in the Peshawar division of the Punjab,
fifteen miles to the north-east of Attock. Orkárnáth-1. Amaresvara. 2. Omkaranatha. 3. Omkara. 4. Orkara-kshetra, near Mandales
vara, which is five miles to the east of Mahes (the ancient Mahishmati), on the bank of the Nerbudda. It is one of the twelve great Lingas of Mahadeva. Same as Mandhata