JULY, 1928)
Atisai puhapuk mal Ram ur sohanhin ho, Tirachhi chitwani Anand munimukh johanbi ho. Nakh katat musukAhin barani nahin jatahi ho, Padam-råg mani mânuhun komal gatahi ho.
8. Jawak rachit angurianha mpidal suthari ho, Prabhu kar charan prachh Ali tau ati sukumari ho. Bhai newachhawar bahu bidhi jo jaou lAyak ho. Tulasi Das bali jaun dekhi Raghunayak ho. Rajan dînban hathi: Rånin hår ho : Bharige ratan padârath sup hazár ho. Bhari gâri newachhåwari nâu lei #wai ho, Parijan karahin nihal asisat Awai ho.
T&par karahin sumauj bahut dukh khodhin bo. Hrî sukhi sab log adhik sukh soâhîn ho. Gawahio sab, raniwas dehih prabhu gari ho. R&m lala sakuch Ahin dekhi mahtari ho. Hili mili karat sawangini sabbi ras keli ho. Nauf man harkhai sugandhan meli ho. Dulah kai mahtari dekhi man harkhai ho, Kotinha dinhanden megh j&na barkhai ho.
10. Ram lala kar nahachhu ati sukh gaiya ho. Jehi gaen sidhi hoya param nidhi paiya ho. Dasarath Rau sinh&san baithi bir&jahin ho. Tulasi DAs bali jaya dekhi Raghu rajahin ho. Je yah nahachhu gåwahin gai sunawahin ho. Rishi sidhi aru kalyan mukti nar pawahin ho.
Translation. First let us invoke Ganesa and Pårbati ; Then let us sing the nahachhu song of Rama.
1. Who sings it becomes a saint and attains the highest place. 47 The sins of countless lives will be washed away. Countless instruments of music were played in the house of Dasrath.48 The kingdom the gods were overjoyed at witnessing (the ceremony). The city appeared beautiful beyond description. Kausaly& could not contain herself for joy. The young bamboo columns of the shed were studded with goms. Fringed ourtains of pearls were hung on all sides of it.
. 2. The pitcher of Ganges water was at once sent for. Young and beautiful women, with husbands still alive, were sent for to bathe Ram. A square throne was made with pearls and jewels, And after libations to the gods, Ram was seated on it. The seat on which he sat was surrounded by golden columns. Lamps of gems 4' were lit and then he sat on it. 47 1.6, he attains bhakti or devotional faith.
41 The father of Bama. ** Manik moans red gems.