APRIL, 1923
confused by the time of Tulsidas. In the Ramayan we find only vocalic bases. The direct gage is the result of the ancient nominative-accusative : puta is the representative of putrah: putram er of putrah : putran.
Nouns in -a, -i and -u come from ancient bases in -a, -a, -, -, -u, - and come about owing to the loss of final consonants and vowels, while nouns in -a, - and -u come from the ancient bases in -a, -1, and -u enlarged by means of the suffix ka or kd to .aka, -ika, -uka, etc., and result from the loss of inter-vocalic k and subsequent contraction of vowels.
$13. The direct case in -a (néha, nlda) comes from two different sources-the ancient singular nominative-accusative and the ancient plural nominative-accusative. The various stages of néha are sného-sneham : néhô-néham : nêho-nêham: néhu-néhã : néha and snéhah. 8néhán : néha-néha : néha.
That the nouns in -a come from two different sources, singular and plural, is clearly' shown by the fact that a large number of the masculine nouns in -a have an alternative form in -u (ráma or ramu, púta or pútu, néha or néhu) which cannot be used in the plural. It is also clear from the fact that a very short u (*) is added sometimes to a consonantio base in Modern Awadhi if a singular thing is denoted, while a very short a (a) if the plural, 0.g., ham em phalu khdyen while ham cari phala khayen.
$ 14. Bases in -a come from.
(1) ancient nouns in 2, e.g., putra : puta, karya : kdja, paksa : pakha, aksara : akhara, kródha : kôha ;
(2) Ancient nouns in - which are mostly feminine, e.g., ddrud : daba, varayatra , bardia, nidra : nida, or
(3) are borrowings (including tatsamas), e.g., jahaja, adhiba, bakhasisa, saraga, kabitta.
8 15. Bases in -d are generally masculine though a number of feminine bases (invariably loan-words) are also found. They come from
(1) ancient -a bases enlarged to aka (through -aa : -), e.g., kitaka : kirā, *dódhaka 1 dóha ; or
(2) are borrowings (including tatsamas), e.g., stvd, murucha, bidhata, argaja, piroja § 16. Bases in which are mostly feminine come from (1) ancient bases, e.g., sarasvatt : sarasai, pattrí: pati, kumari : kuāri ; (2) Magadhi ending -e, e.g., milani, rahani, ghavani ; or
(3) are borrowings from Sanskrit and other languages, e.g., lacchi, bhagati, cakkavai, vndi, sahdi, di, khabari.
& 17. Bases in which are generally feminine and seldom masculine come from
(1) ancient - ika and -ska bases, e.g., cakrika : cáki, sarika : sári, -talika : tari, rájnika : rant, vrácika : bichi : *gunika guni; *málóka : malt, *addhanika : sdhani; or
(2) are borrowings, e.g., bibaki. § 18. Bases in - are mostly masculine and
(1) represent the penultimate stage of ancient nouns in -a, e.g., manu, dahu, chóhu, lahu, or
(2) are borrowings from Sanskrit and other languages, e.g., bdu, madhu, soru, bagu lagamu, tolu.
19. Bages in - are very few and are either ancient enlarged bases, e.g!, nad or are loan-words from Sanskrit and other languages, e.g., badhu.