( APRIL, 1923
by Asoka, was governed through a viceroy till only a few years before the accession of Kharavêla. The Viceregal seat of Kalinga must have been either at Kalinganagara itself, or in the near vicinity. Indeed it was strategically necessary for the conqueror to locate his government either in the capital or in its immediate neighbourhood. I shall reserve the identification of Tosali for a future occasion, and take up now the extent of Kalinga,
The three kingdoms of Anga, Vanga and Kalinga are said to have been founded by three princes of those names who were the sons of king Bali. Angas descended from Anga; from Vanga came the Vangas, and the Kalingas came from the prince Kalinga.22 Anga is identified with Bhagalpole and Vanga with the modern Bengal. Kalinga must be south of Bengal, but where it begins in the north requires study. Let us look at the evidence. * King Raghu is said to have crossed the river Kapisa after he had conquered the Vangas. Being shown the way by the Utkalas, he entered Kalinga and encamped on the Mahendra hill. Lassen identifies the river Kapisa with Subarnarékha, but Mr. Pargiter proves it to be the Kansi which flows through Midnapur.23 King Vatsa is said to have defeated the Vangas and planted a triumphal pillar on the shores of the eastern sea. Then the Kalingas came, and paid tribute to him when he had reached the Mahendra mountain. 24
In the Mahabharata, Yudhishtira is said to have reached the sea where the Ganges enters it with five mouths and thence to have proceeded to Kalinga along the coast.
ससागरं समासाद्य गङ्गाया स्सा मे नृप । नदीनां पञ्चानां मध्ये चके समाप्लवम् ।। ततस्समुद्र तीरेण जगाम वसुधाधितः ।
भ्रातृभि स्सहितो वीरः कलिङ्गान्प्रतिभारन ॥ लोमशाः॥ एते कलिङ्गाः कौन्तेय यत्र वैतरणी नदी।
___यत्रायजत धापि देवान् शरणमेत्यवे ॥ वैशम्पायनः।। ततो वैतरणिं सर्वे पाण्डवा द्रौपदी तथा।
. अवतीर्य महाभागा स्तर्पयां चक्रिरे पितॄन् ॥25 The river Vaitarani is the Baitrani in the north of Orissa.
The Utkalas mentioned in the Raghuvamsa are not spoken of in the edicts of Asoka, nor in the inscriptions of Khâravela. Kalinga was then spoken of as one kingdom. But in times subsequent to those of Magadha supremacy, the country of Kalinga, owing either to racial differences or to the rise of the dormant tribes, must have been divided into Kauralaka. Mahâkântâraka and Mahendragiri,--the Kautturaka of the Allahabad Pillar inscription, or the Udra, Konyodha and Kalinga of Hiuen-Tsiang. Ut-kala is only a contraction of Uttara-Kalinga, which means northern Kalinga. When the northern part of Kalinga, which is adjacent to the kingdoms of Northern India, associated with the north, the indigent Dravidian tribs, such as the Kuis and the Savaras, combined with the immigrant peoples from the south (Dramilas) and associated the southern part with Southern India. So the northern peoples became known as the people of Northern Kalinga, or Uttara-Kalingas or Ut-Kalês, while the southern inhabitants were called Kalingås. When this separation Was brought about cannot be precisely stated, but it must have happened in the time that intervened between Khâravêla's time and Samudragupta's invasion-a period of oblivion in the history of the eastern part of the Gangetic valley. It is clear, however, that Kalinga lay immediately to the south of Bengal, which then formed a part of the kingdom of Asoka.
(To be continued.) . 31 Mahabhdrata, Adi Parva, canto 143 ; Machchi Purdna, Adyâya 48; Visht Purdņa, by · H. H. Wilson, pp. 144, Amse 4, Adhyâya 23.
38 JASB., vol. LXVI, part I, No. 2 (1897). 24 Katha Sdrit Sdgar, wpra. 36 Mahdbhdrata, Vana Parva.