PAROH, 1923]
Bajal: a snow pigeon, columba leuconota. Ch. 37.
Bajendri batai : a gap between two furrows into which no seed has dropped ; =bejindri; Sımla Hills; cf. Bijandri. Gloss., I, p. 438.
Bajob: land held free of revenue or rent in lieu of service. Ch., 285. Bakher: a scramble ; Karnal Gloss., I, p. 896. Bakhru : a honeysuckle, Lonicera quinquelocularis. Ch., 239. Bakli: =chhal, Anogeissus latifolia. Sirmûr, App. IV, v. Bakra : a due (lag), as being the price of a goat. Ch., 154. Bakra : & square loaf. Ch., 124. Baksa: Elaeodendron Roxburghii. Sirmûr, App. IV, iii.
Balawa: a system by which the State contributes to a subject's funeral as his family does to a Chief's. SS., Baghât, 12.
Bali : tribute. SS., Kumhârsain, 19. Balká : a (? married) disciple. B., 173. V. P.D., 86; and ef. Palak. Ballh : land free from stones and level ; cf. Balhri (its dim.), in III. Mandi, 64. Balfi: a bride. B., 108.
Bamb: a drum. B., 191. Hence Bamb-weld, 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. Bamb, lit.='a spout or jet'. P.D., 88.
Bån (add to III), butânâ, 'to rub with barnd.' Gloss., I, p. 814. Bânati : Kannedår, embroidered ' (shoes). B., 102. Banghauk: a small seed, like cummin, used for adulteration. Ch., 243. Banda : Viscum album. Sirmûr, App. IV, vii.
Banda-bhara : ( obs.), a practice whereby traders entrusted goods to a Nánakputra for convoy. Gloss., I, p. 680.
Bandákara : partition of land. SS., Kunhiår, 10.
Bandhå: add in III :- Ch., 152, 153 and 157. (2) A tax of As. 2 per house levied on tobacco smokers, SS., Bilâspur, 22.
Bandi : (i) a sub-division of a kiár, q.v. Sirmûr, App. I. (i), a concubine. Bingar: high-lying land containing sandstone. Sirmûr, App. I. Bangari : & crop sown in autumn. Ch., 226. Bangchuhru : a tax on shops selling bracelets, eto. Suket, 42. Banjhårå (beta),=Chaukhanda ; in Mandi. Banjur chhornâ :=Akal chhornå, q.v. Banni: Olostegia limbata. Ch., 239. Banshira bhut: a hobgoblin who haunts forests. 88., Kumhårsain, 12. Bar: (1) a boon. Gloss., I, p. 449. (2) a song, ib., p. 158. (Simla Hills.) Bar cheroti: Ficus bengalensis. Sirmûr, App. IV, vii.
Bårå : a small field near a village,=the nidi of the plains ; a kitchen garden. Sirmur, App. I.
Baran : the most serious form of oath on the Raja. SS., Bashahr, 34. V. Darohi. Baráti : a peon. Sirmûr, 63.
Båri: (1) a dried preparation made from mash, much like sepa. Simla S.R., xli. 2) a dish of grain ground and boiled. SS., Bashahr, 41.
Barlyard : a kind of wheat, grown at high altitudes. Ch., 226. Barhil : Godami, a tool-keeper. Mandi, 51. Barkan: a tree, the fruit of which is used in ablutions before a wedding. Simla 8.R., xliv. Barkhotsar chhofnå : =Banjar chhorna, q.v. Barmi: yew. Ch., 236.