OCTOBER, 1923)
Doru: a blanket, worn by women : SS. Bashahr, 42.
Doyan: a ceremony observed on the 6th or 11th day after a birth, at which chillre or small loaves, also called doyan, are cooked, dipped in syrup and distributed : B. 97. Cf. Doi, a small spoon': P. D., 327.
Drudh : Druhri, a mouse's hole: Ch., 139. Duden: (pl. of Ar. du'a, 'prayer'), hamail, a necklace of rupees : B., 195. Dudhari : Ficus glomerata : Sirmar, App. IV, vii.
Dudhara: rich pasture; = Adhwârâ : Ch., 228. But on p. 277 the form is given as dudhari.
Dudhi: Wrightii tomentosa : Sirmûr, App. IV, vi. Dudhiaru : a collector of milk (dudh) for officials : Ch. 264. Dudh-sharik bahin: a foster sister : Gloss., I, p. 907. Dugána: a sister by mutual adoption : Gloss., I, p. 907. Dajang :- the Hindu shrath in Kandwar: SS. Bashahr, 37. Dulgi: a cess, spirits made from a forest tree called him : SS. Bashahr, 74. Dunda: one-handed : Ch., 138. Dunu, Dunun : garlic ; = wasan : Simla S. R., xli, and ss. Bashahr, 49. Dur : & rope : Gloss., I, p. 392.
Durbiyal: an official in Brahmaur who performs the duties of an ugrdhika or muqaddam : Ch., 265.
Durohi : an oath, as in Raja ki durohi,' an oath sworn on the Rajk : Ch., 154.
Dushman: a sister by the implication that the enemy of one is the other's enemy also : Gloss., I, p. 907.
Ehupra : myrsine africana : Sirmar, App. IV, vi. Elo : (ailo), barley : Ch., 8. Farhri : the ceremony of blowing.bihan at each other by bride and bridegroom : Ch., 143. Fulgar : the horned pheasant, Ceriornis melanocephala : Ch., 36.
Gabhed: the son of a man by & widow with whom he lives in her dead husband's house ; Riondha : Mandi, 23.
Gach: gypsum : Ch., 241.
Gachl : GA-, a cord, worn as a waist-belt, made of wool : Mandi, 32, and ss. Bashahr, 42, etc.
Gad : unirrigated land in an upper valley : Mandi, 42. Gadar : = Paraina, q.v.
Gadd: an observance at which women of the bride's family distribute tikre (sweetmeats). and those of the boy's chari, while the women of the brotherhood put paldsds in the bride's lap : B., 106. Cf. God pauni, to put presents in a bride's lap': P.D., 351.
Gadda: see under Datha. Gaddan: a small fish : Ch., 39. Gaddi : see under Datha. Gadhaldi: one of the two kinds of edible arum : Simla 8. R., xli.
Gadholra := pichhlag, the son of a remarried widow by her first husband : Comp., 113 CF. Parkhatt and Niâmar.
Gadhil : a rich soil of hard olay which forms large bard lamps : Sirmar, App. I. Gagar: a brass pitcher : B. 196. 04. P. D., 363. Gaggal : land full of stones : Ch., 220.