( MARCH, 1921
clearly stated by Markandeya. Pythvichara has pointed out that it contains a large num. ber of provincial words. Now this is exactly the case, as Dr. Konow has pointed out, with Rajasekhara's Prakṣit. We thus see that Rajasekhara was not ignorant of the characteristics of the Prakrit dialects, but that he wrote his prose portions in the Avanti dialect. The reason why he preferred the Avanti dialect is not far to seek. The Karpûramanjar was played at the instance of Arantisundari, the wife of our poet. 9 Rajasekhara's love and admiration for Avantisundari is exhibited by his quoting her opinion as an authoritative statement in his Kavyami mast. It is thus his amour for la belle d' Avanti that (lictated him to write in the langue d'Avanti in spite of the dictum cf Dramaturgy that the prose portions should be in Sauraseni in the speech of the heroine, etc., etc.
By K. V. LAKSHMAN RAO, M.A.; MADRAS. While writing an article on Ashtadhydyi for the Telugu Encyclopaedia, a Sútra in Panini arrested my attention. In the second Ashtaka there is a Sátra
f t: [II. 1. 701. All the commentators agree in interpreting this aphorism to mean that the word 'Kumara enters into a Talpurusha compound with the words in the Gramana-group. The Sramanddigana consists of the words 444, Tarta, er, at arcet, al, , 2196, YAK96, afora, 92, T T , 99.1 We find all these words enumerated in Ganaratnamahô dadhi of Vardhamana of the twelfth century and in the Kasikd of the seventh century. Saladya Vyakarana which may belong to the ninth century and Jainêndra Vyákanana which cannot be later than the fifth century A. D. have a Sûtra similar to that of Panini. Unfortunately the Vritti and the Mahabhashya have not thought it necessary to comment upon this fútra and hence we are not in a position to know Katydyand's or Patanjali's interpretation of this aphorism.
The illustrations generally given under this aphorism are कुमारी श्रममा कुमारश्रमणा (Käsika), artri * * , $49afar (Ganaratnamaho-dadhi).
Though we know that almost all the words we now find in the Sramanddigana'are given in the Ganaratnamaho-dadhi and Kasikd, it niay be said that we cannot be sure that all the fifteen words were included in the group by Panini when he wrote the Satra. Any how it cannot be doubted that the first three or four words formed part of the group then. Thus
9 Chahuánakulamolimdlia
Rääsehara-Kainda-gehiri Bhattuns Kiim Avantisundari Så pünjalüm eüm ichchhai.-Karpura masjari, p. 6
1 of the fifteen words now found in the Sramand-digana the first seven are in the feminine gender and the rest are in the masculine. Kdsikd says that the word Kumara enters into compound as a word of feminino gender with those words which have feminine form and as a word of both masculine and feminine gender with those which have a masculine form. atrast: 92 H a rare
: सह स्त्रीलिज एव कुमारवादः समस्यते, वेनु पुंलिजा अध्यापको भिरूपकः पण्डितहति, तेरुभवथा, प्रातिपदिक
e fer afgerang para." This means that the compounds THT:, FATA , SATante: cannot be allowed, though both the compounds fog, reforzar: aparte:
HITZ T . are admissible. Abhdyanandi commenting upon an analogous sätra (III. 65) in the Jainendravyakaraia (Pandit edition) explains in the same way: aftas 9 8: ating laparganffFAYT irat. The purpose of the Satra is clearly to show that the word comes always as the first member of the compound in all these enses. Padamanjari says कुमार कुमारसम्मस्व पूर्वनिपासनियमार्थं वचनं.