Scattergood, R., of Ellaston and London, merchant tailor, commercial dealings with the E. I. Co., 1659-1680, Sc., 1: history of, Sc. 6, 12-16; piece goods dealt in, Sc. 6-12 Scott Waring, author of a history of the Marathas, 55, 57; on Shivaji
acruti, signification of
.. 199 216 n. 238
sea-eagle, in Nicobarese folk-tales
Seahorse, the, E. I. Co.'s ship seven, sacred number, 12, n. See Rishis, Rivers, Varshas.
Sewalik hills
Shahaji, f. of Shivaji
Shah Abu-l-Hasan, Sayyid, son of Shah Tahir, 3 n., 229, 230 n., 234 3 n. 76 n.
Shah Abu Talib, son of Shah Tahir Shah, Ali, son of Burhan Nizam Shah Shah Haidar, son of Shah Tahir, 3 n., 7 n., 231; joint vakil and peahod of Ahmadnagar Shah Hamadan, saint, meets Laleshwari, 310, 312; endures ordeal by fire.. 311 Shah Mansûr, son of Husain Nizam Shah I., 195 n. Shah Rafi-ud-din Hussin, son of Shah Tahir,
Sc., 4.
Shen Shen, co.
Shibganj, near Gaur
Shiva Bharat, Tamil Chronicle Shivadigvijaya, Marathi prose chronicle Shivaji, the Administrative System of, 51-58,
126-136, 148-157, 199-204, 221-226, 253-260, 269-277, 297-302; Introducduction, sources of information on, 51-58; Central Government, Ashta Pradhan Council of, 126, 131, 132-134; Pradhans, duties of, 135, 136, 149, 155, 156; anarchy in the kingdom of, 127, 128; diffi. culties of re-organising, 129; as a practical statesman, 130; village council under, 130; subordinate officers, duties of, 150-154; Karkhanas and mahals, lists of, 155, 156;
68 128
3 n., 76, 196 Shah Tahir, Muhammadan saint, ambassador, 1, 2; death of
3, 5 n., 30 Shah Qasim, son of Husain Nizam Shah I., 195 n. Shahanav Kalni Bakkar, the 53 Shahbazgarhi, identification of 125 Shahbandar, Port officer, as distinguished from Custom House officer, in Malay States .. 228 Shahu, accession of .. 51, 157, 256 296
shaiyala, meaning of Shanshir-ul-Mulk, of Berar, ally of Murtaza
Nizam Shah I., 209, 263, n., 265, 266, 278 sharks, in Nicobarese folk-tales 237, 252 Shekh Nûr Din, Muhammadan saint, contemporary of Laleshwari
309, 312 187 14, 70 54 53
position of the king, 156; Revenue system, (that of Malik Ambar) 199-204, 221-226; list of taxes, 202; rent, 203, 204; Revenue divisions, 221-222: officers, 223-225: Fryer's charges against, 226, 253 licensed mints, 254; coins, 255; variation in spelling of Shivaji's name, 255; Chouth and Sardesh. mukhi as sources of revenue, 256; the Army, 258, 260; oflicers, 250, 200, 269, 272; forts, 259: lists of, 270, 271; intelligence department, 273; camps regulations, 275-277, 297; the Navy. 298, 299: Judicial system, edu. cation 300-301 312-321 299 208, 209, 231, 232 5, 7, 8, 76,
77, 104 n., 229 53
Shivaji's Raid on Surat Shivar, type of vessel Shivner, fort, used as a prison, Sholapur, fort, history of, 1-3,
Shri Shivaji Pratap Bakhar, the, Sials. See Syals.
Sidh Sri Kanth, priest guru to Laleshwari, 302-304, 306, 307
.. 178 Sc., 6 148, n. 181, 191, 192
.. 248 Sc., 4 317, 320
186 58 146
Sikata poetess, in the Rig-Veda Sindh, bafta from Sirmur, assignment of children in Sita, river Slavery for debt
Smart, Capt. J., E. I. Co.s' servant Smith, Mr. A., captured by Shivaji Sogdiana
Somesvara, of the Balsânâ inscription Sonthals, polyandry among the South Andaman Language, a Dictionary of the, S.A.L., 137-154: Addendum, S.A.L., 155; Appendices I-IV, S.A.L., .. 156-164 Soutsmayor, Alvero Peres de, blockade of Chaul by 103 n. 83, 84
'Sramands' suggested signification of Stars, in Nicobarese folk-tales .. 235 Stileman, E. I. Co.s' servant Sc., 5 strangulation, method of infanticide Sc., 2 Sufis, style of the, 138; theosophy of the 179 Sugandah, q. of Kashmir .. 302 185 Sughda, identification of Suhina, identification of 33, 34, 41 40 Suksagar, ancient name of Sulo Ho, river 19, 21, 23 Sumeru, the Garwal mountain, 12: in the Puranas 164, 165, 191 Sun, the, in Nicobarese folk-tales 235, 253 Supply, the, F. Scattergood serves in, Bc., 3 Surat, Sivaji's Raid upon, (in 1664). 312-321 Surat, cloth manufactured at, Sc., 9, 10, 12