5 måtâ-pittror = âtmana = cha pu[ny)-abhi
vsiddhaye Viniteśvara-matha-sama6 vesam may=etat" = kâritakat (*1–46
Narayana-devakulasya [|] 17 7 Śrf-Mandalesvarasvâmi[pâ]-[ya).48
koshthikâtah -chandr-arkka - sama8 kaliyamrakshayam prati— _49naivedy ,
arttham tandula-prastha-dvayam 51 9 [di]patailapalasya ch=1- -[ba]ndhah52
kâritah sri-Mangaleśvara10 svâmipâdânâm vi[chchhitti?)- -ta
tantra- sådhâranan 63 panchasatâm 11 dînârâņâm go- ba[li] 61-ja-bhakt-ady
upakaramâni [] 12 devanikâyasya da[tta)--[de]vam55 viditvå
yathakal - addhy&[s]i[bhi] 13 tậpovanikair56=vvê ya- [ni]baddhasya 57
vighấto na kå[rya] *]
45 matham = etat-Mr. Banerji. But the reading is very clear both on the stone and the impressions.
16 Restore Sr. 47 This sign of punctuation is used also in 11. 11 and 16. The one after -devakulasya is superfluous; it should have naturally come after kdritakam.
18 Sri-Mandaleivarasvdmipaddya koshthikdtah-Mr. Banerji. Restore -pádlya-koshthikatah and cf. Chittra (kejat asudmiddlya-koshthikata in Gupta Inscr8., p. 268, 1. 3. Floot, however, reads the passage as Chittraskatasudmi-pddlya-koshthe(?)ta. and translates it as 'belonging to the entrance of .. .. which belongs to the foot of the divine (god) ChittrakūtasvAmin'. The inscription, which is partially damaged, saye (1. 3) that an image of Anantasvâmipada was installed and that an endowment made for the purpose of providing perfumes, incense, garlands, &c., and of executing repairs' (1). 2-4). And in connection with the gift ocours the expression bhaga [va]ch-Chittra[kju asumipadiya-koshthel?)ta. In all these particulars the inscription resembles so much the Mundesvari inscription that I am led to think that we would not at all be wide of the mark if the above correction be adopted. Moreover, it is also very likely that the expression datta dvddaša, between which and the above expression there is a lacuna, means that twelve dinaras were the value of the grant (cf. other Gadhwå inscriptions where we find mention of similar gifts made). I do not think Fleet is right in his conjecture that the gift 'consisted of some land at a village' which belonged to the god Chittrakūtasvåmin and that this was the same god Anantasvâmin under a different name. From Mandalesvara. svamin I believe was derived the name of the hill which was probably called Mandalesvara, and it is just possible that we have an echo of this word in the modern name Mundesvari. Similarly, we have in the Gadhw& inscription the name Chitrakutastámin which means the lord of the Chitrakuta hill (op. cit., p. 268 and n. 1). 49 Restore pratidinai.
60 Read .arthan. 61 Should be correoted to dvaryasya. 52 Restore ropanibandhah. 63 I am unable to restore or interpret this passage. 54 Restore probably -sraja. 55 Restore nyetadzevam.
56 redpovunikair-Mr. Banerji. Read with Prof. Konow tápovanikair- and correct it to ()Etapovanikair.
67 yathanibaddhasya-Mr. Banerji. Restore yath-opanibaddhasya.