in another canoe: rôko l'âkatedibôlya len ng'akangaike. 2. one more... ñâ (da); tûn (da); tâlik-ûba-tûl (da). See! here comes another Jarawa: igbadig! järawa talik-ûbatûl kach ònke. See again and one. another time, later on, (adv.).... ñgâ tek.
another's, (pron.) property... ig-êba (da). It is not my property, it is another's: dia ramoko yabada wai igêbada.
ant, (s.) 1. ordinary, small. . . . êma (da). 2. large, black, stinging.... bûrya (da). 3. large, red, tiger.... kângira (da). 4. white (termite)..... bêdara (da). The winged whiteant.: which appear shortly before the rains are called ôropa-l'akà-ya (da) or ôropa l'aka-char (da).
ant-hill, (s.).... köt (da). When he sat on the ant-hill the ants stung him: 61 köt len akádôinga-bêdig barya l'en kârabre.
antediluvian, period, (8.) . . . . tomo-l'îdal, (da), (lit. "in the days of Tomo," who lived before the Deluge). See period, time.
anticipation of, in (postp.). . . . ōko-têlim. Cook some food in anticipation of Bira's arrival: bira l'ōkotêlim yot jôike.
apart, (adv.)... ijila (da). The man who answer, (v.t.) reply, respond.... âkà-tegi- is standing apart (from the rest) is my father: gôl (ke). Why don't you answer me? micha-wai ôl ijila kapi yâte d'ârôdinga (da). len ngô d'akà-tegigôlke yabada? apart from, (postp). See beside. aperture, (s.) opening.... âkà-jâg (da). apparition, (8.) spectre. ... chàuga (da). appear, (v.i.) 1. be in sight.... ar-bangwêjeri (ke). 2. show one's self.... ar-dîya (ke). 3. as the sun or moon. ... a-í-doati (ke); öko-dôati (ke). The full moon always appears (rises) in the evening: garchàu arla-dilurêatek dilaya l'aidôati (ke).
any, (adj.) whatever.... michima... bêdig. Before I embark give me any food (you have): d'âkanwêrnga l'entōka michima yat bédig man (ke).
any one, (s.) any body....ûchin-ôl. You must not tell lies to any one: ngôl ûba-waik ûchin-ôllen atedike yabada. Bring me any one's bow: ûchin-îa kârama dat-tôyuke. See he and his. About any one, úchin eb. See about and lie.
anything, (8.).... michima-mîn. Is there anything in the bucket? an michima-min dákar len?
appetite, (s.). . . . un-wêral (da). applaud, (v.t.).... ôt-âli (ke).
apply, (v.t.) 1. pigment to an object or one's person ... lêfie (ke); past tense is lêñek (re). See paint. 2 resinous wax.... lêñe (ke); leät (ke); as in caulking a cance or in protecting the twine lashings of arrows. 3. bees'-wax to bowstring, etc.... .lûnu (ke). appoint, (v.t.) (name) a time.... ōko-tigràu (ke).
approach, (v.t.) 1.... ât (ke); chêgal' (ke). Hush! two pigs are approaching us: wai mila! reg ikpor met åtke. See see. 2. by stealth, in order to surprise.... âr-flaiji (ke). 8. as in stalking or attacking an enemy. . . . ig-gōroba (ke). See stalk, approach nearer! kaich-tun!
antidote, (s.).. târ-wûrul (da). For ague the application of (lit. to rub) the leaves of the gugma tree (Trigonostemon longifolius) is a good antidote: diddirya l'eb gugma-tàng rárnga-bêdig târwûrul bêringada.
antifebrile, (8.). ... târ-wârta (da). anus, (8.) .ar-tômur (da). anvil, (s.)
rârap (da).
apron (leaf-), (8.) . . . . ôbunga (da). This refers to the leaf or leaves-generally of the Mimusops indica ("mowa tree")-worn from
anxiety, (s.).... ar-târîki (da); â-dami (da). Owing to anxiety my wife will not eat (lit. is abstaining from food): artariki l'edare dai îk-yâte yapike. anxious, (adj.) uneasy.... ar-târîkinga motives of modesty by women and girls (da); A-daminga (da). of the Great Andaman tribes. See App. xiii. arca granosa, (8.) ark-shell.... karada (da).
area sp., (s.) ark-shell. . . . pōrma (da); paidek (da); wangata (da). See App. xii.
o, indolent: ô, pole: ò, pot: o, awful: di, boil.