[MARCH, 1918
said he would not make any protest against his own Nation, but offered to draw up in my Name a Petition to the Governor and Council of Madras. Therefore, as I could not do better, I agreed to this Proposition, in order to try what Satisfaction I would be able to get. The Truth of this I testify hereby, and desire the Gentlemen who were present at this Transaction to testify the same by their Handwriting. Madras 28th January 1781.
(Signed) James Higner, [sic] Supercargo of the Snow Vienna (signed) Nicolas Renaud
I was present at this (signed) Agapeery Thaddeus Callandar11
Jtransaction. B 2. Notice dated July 1779.12 Letter from the Court of Directors to the Councils at Madras and Bombay,
dated 25 January 1782.13 We transmit for your information and guidance copies of two letters from His Majesty's Secretaries of State respecting Mr Bolts, together with the representations of Count Belgioioso, the Imperial Minister, and we strictly enjoin and charge you to take especial care that no just cause of offence be henceforth given to any subject of his said Imperial Majesty or to the subjects of any Prince or State whatever in amity with Great Britain.
In addition to what we have written in a former paragraph of this letter concerning the representations of His Excellency Count Belgioioso, the Minister of His Imperial Majesty, we further direct that you forth with prepare and transmit to us as soon as possible, the most circumstantial account of all that has happened, together with reasons at large for your proceedings in every instance which has been made a ground of complaint, and which may enable His Majesty's Secretary of State to return proper answers to the representations of His Excellency the Count Belgioioso. Letter from Robert Ritchie to the Chairman of the East India Company,
. dated Venice, 6 May 1781.14 The two Inperial East India ships (the Joseph and Theresa and her consort] that arrived at Leghorn sometime ago are not to proceed to Trieste as was at first intended. Their cargoes are actually selling and to be sold at Leghorn. Mr. Bolts seems to be protected by the Grand Duke [of Tuscany). An English merchant has, however, laid an attachment on all his effects. Letter from the Court of Directors to the Councils at Madras and Bombay.
dated 29 August 1781.16 We have been informed that the ship Great Duke of Tuscany, under Tuscan Colours, being an English vessel bought by Mr. Bolts since the French war commenced, with a valuable cargo from the coast of Coromandel, was seized at the Cape of Good Hope by two French frigates and condemned by them in virtue of the French King's declaration, the Dutch Governor not chusing to interfere. The same frigates are said to have taken in
11 This is also the di me of lorsian Armenian merebapt of. Julfe. 13 See anke, p. 30.
* Bombay Dispatches, VI. 297, 383. * The Company's agent at Venice. # Miscellaneou Lettre Receired, vol. 68, No. 221b. Bombay Dispatcher, VI. 169-170.