• JANUARY, 1918)
1. Whether the Imperial Austrian ships of Europe and the Imporial country shipof Asia will or not be admitted to the rights of hospitality and of trade in the British settlements of Asia on the same footing as are admitted ships of the same denomination of the French, Portuguese and other European Nations.
2d. Should the Nabob or Governor of the Moguls City of Surat, on any future occasion, act repugnantly to the laws of nations with respect to any vessel under my direction, whether am I to consider him as an independent prince, acting solely frofu his own authority or under that of the Mogul ; so that any consequent act of resentment on behalf of their Imperial Majesties would not in any wise affect the British Government of Bombay, or any other part of Asia, or in your opinions, Gentlemen, tend to interrupt the harmony subsisting between the Courts of Vienna and London.
I have the honor to assure you that in the execution of the commissions with which I am entrusted, I shall most studiouly avoid giving the slightest foundation for offence to any branch of the English Company's government, and I flatter myself I shall meet with the same exemption from those prejudices arising from a jealousy of commerce, which in less enlightened times have been the bane so frequently of human society.
I am with the most profound respect Goga, 31st October, 1777.
Honble. Sir and Sira, Received 16th November 1777 per Leopold. Your most obedient humble Servant
WILLIAM BOLTS, Lieut. Colonel in the service of their Imperial Majesties. Letter from the Council at Bombay to the Court of Directors,
dated 30 November 1777.29 Mr Bolts in the Austrian Ship Joseph and Theresa to our great surprize arrived at Surat Bar the 5th September. An Extract of your Commands dated the 21st of February had been previously sent thither, and the Chief and Council in consequence thereof, and of the further Orders We sent upon receiving Advice of the Ships Arrival, exerted themselves so much and with the Assistance of the Nabobs Influence threw so many obstacles in his way that Mr Bolts found himself unable to transact any Business there and sailed away for Gogo. The Chiefs at Surat and Broach will use every justifiable Method to prevent his meeting with Success, and we learn He has not Yet been able to sell any pert of his Cargo, but that He had sent to the Pundit of Ahmedavad to whom Gogo is subordinate offering him a Present of Rs. 25,000 annually in lieu of Customs. provided he will permit Him to establish a Factory and carry on a Trade there. He has since proceeded to Poonah [head-quarters of the Marâthå Government] to negociate this Business himself, but we shall exert our little Influence with the Durbar to defeat this Scheme, and You may be assured that no justifiable or legal Efforts shall be left untried to frustrate the Projects of these Adventurers,
We have sent the most strict Injunctions to all your Subordinate Settlements to have no Commercial or other Intercourse with the Persons concerned in this Ship, and to prevent any Investments whatever being made for them.
29 Bombay Letters Received, V, 250-251.