[MARCH, 1918
as possible, circumstantial Accounts of what has happened, for His Majesty's Information, that I may be enabled to give proper Answers to Count Belgioioso thereupon.
Enclosures. 1. Memorial from the Count Belgioioso to the Earl of Hillsborough,
dated 21 June 1781. The undersigned Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from Her Imperial and Royal Apostolick Majesty has the honor of transmitting to Lord Viscount Stormont 3 the annexed deposition upon oath of Louis Macé, a naturalized subject of Her Imperial and Royal Apostolick Majesty, made at Madras the 5th March 1780, by which his Excellency will see in what manner that officer, then commanding the Ship le Comte Kallowrath, carrying the Imperial and Royal Flag as Lieutenant, was seized in Madras Road by order of Rear Admiral Sir Edward Hughes and detained as a Prisoner.
Her Imperial and Royal Majesty having commanded the undersigned to demand of His Britannick Majesty's Minister that the said Officer should be set at liberty, he acquits himself of that command by this Memorial, with the more alacrity as he is convinced that an act of violence so manifestly contrary to all that is due to a Power in amity could never have had the approbation of His Britannick Majesty.
(signed) LE COMTE DE BELGIOIOSO Portman Square, 21st June 1781. 2. Memorial from the Count Belgioioso to the Earl of Hillsborough,
dated 13th December 1781. The undersigned Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from Her Imperial and Royal Apostolick Majesty had the honor of transmitting to your Excellency a Memorial dated the 21 June last, to demand satisfaction and reparation for an insult offered to the Imperial and Royal Flag in Madras Road the 5th March 1780 by the English Rear Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, in the violent seizure of one Louis Macé, a naturalized Subject of Her Imperial and Royal Majesty, engaged in her Service as Chief Officer of the Imperial Ship le Comte de Kallowrath, and being at that time commanding Officer on board that Ship.
But the undersigned has since learnt that this insult was followed by another of the same kind on the day after the seizure of Louis Macé, the same persons having come a second time armed on board le Comte de Kollowrath, (sic) and having, notwithstanding the remonstrance of the Officers, taken one Lindeman, a German, an Imperial Subject, and who was Master Carpenter of the Ship.
Nor are these open violations of the rights of nations the only acts of injustice that the subjects of Her Imperial Royal Majesty concerned in the Asiatick Company of Trieste have experienced from the British Governments in India, and particularly from that of Bengal, which not only by publick notice forbid all the subjects of its Colony to have any communication with Her Imperial and Royal Majesty's subjects, but even carried its violence so far as, on the 27th of August 1779, to cause to be seized and detained a considerable quantity of Caliaton Redwood purchased on their account, without assigning any reason
Miscellaneous Letters Received, vol. 69, No. 92.
Dayid. 7th Viscount Stormont and 2 Earl of Mansfield (1727-1796), Secretary of State for the Southern Department 1779 1782.
Miscellaneous Letters received, Vol. 69, No. 90.
5 This term probably means redwood from Kaliot (in South Kanara) Dear Mangalore, where Bolts had established a factory.