MARCH, 1918 ]
Representations which he has had the honor of making to the said Admiral and to the Council of Madras at Fort St. George, at whose requisition the said Admiral told him he had caused him to be seized on board the said ship le Comte Kollowrath. .
(signed) Macé. After having made Oath in the presence of the Lord Mayor John Hollond to the above), he, on the 26th March 1780 signed and attested it under his hand and afterwards caused the Seal of the Court of Justice to be a fixed hereunto [and] registered and attested his said signature to be true. A true Copy, Madras the 30th March 1780.
(Signed) LOUIS Macé. Consultation of the Select Committee at Fort St. George, 14 April 1780.90 The Secretary lays before the Committee the following Letter from Mr William Bolts.
Charles Oakeley Esqr.
Sir, I request the favor of your laying before the Board at their first Meeting the accompanying Papers, in order to be transmitted to Europe in the most regular Channel I have the honor to be Sir
Your most Obedient humble Servant
WILLIAM BOLTS, Lieut. Colonel in the Service of their Imperial Royal
and Apostolick Majesties. Madras, the 3rd April 1780.
Enclosures. 1. Deposition of Louis Macé."
2. Protest of William Bolts, dated Madras, 3 April 1780. To all whom it doth or may concern, I the underwritten William Bolts as Lieutenant Colonel in the Service of their Imperial Royal and Apostolick Majesties, namely Maria Teresa Empress Dowager of the Romans, Queen of Hungaria and Bohemia &ca. Archduchess of Austria. &ca. &ca, and Joseph the Second, Emperor of the Romans, Hereditary Prince of the States of Austria and Co-regent with his said. August Mother, and also as Chief Director in India for all Affairs of the Society of Merchants united for carrying on the Trade of Asia from and to Trieste, Greeting.
Whereas on the 5th day of March 1780, by order of Sir Edward Hughes Bart., Rear Admiral and Commander in Chief of His Britannick Majesty's Squadron now at Anchor within the Roads and Jurisdiction of Madras, a Boat armed with Men and Officers belonging to the said Squadron came suddenly on board the Imperial Ship Count Kollowrath, 92 then also peaceably at Anchor within the Jurisdiction aforesaid, Her said Imperial Royal and Apostolick Majesty's Colours being then flying on board the said Ship Kollowrath, and did forcibly take from on board the said Ship Kollowrath one Lewis Macé by birth a native
90 Madras Select Committee Consultations (1780), LXIX. 509.518. 91 See ante, p. 58. 92 Probably named after Adolphe Frédéric, Comte de Kalkreuth, Prussian Field Marshal (1736-179-).