Appendix B.
(See page 25, January, n. 18.) Tulsidasa (died V.S. 1680) shows the following :
(1) मोसन मिरहि कौन बोधा वद ( Lanki-Kinalee). (2) जाम्बवंत औरौ नलनीला (Kishkindha-Kanla). (3) सुम देखी सीता मृग नैनी (Aranya-Kanda). (4) सुनहु सकल बैठे इहरेता (Kishkindhi-Kinla). (5) वेता रामलषग औतरहीं (Sundara-Kamla). (6) इहिते कवन विपति बड़ भाई (Aranya-Kamla) 17) यहाँ न पनपान कछु राखों
वेदपुराण संन मत भाषों (Uttara-Kansla). (8) पँछौं काहि कहीं कहिजाई (Sundara-Kala, Interpolated portion). (9) कवन 36 उत्तर देही तिनजाई ( Ditto
ditto. ). (10) अस स्वभाव कहु सुनौं न देखों
केहि खगेश रघुपतिसम लेखों (Uttara-Kamla). (11) मोसन होइन प्रत्युपकारा
वन्दी नवपद बार हि बारा ( Ditte ) (12) मैं कृतकृत्य भय नव वानी । Ditto ) (13) मोह जलधियोहित तुम भयउ
मोकह नाथ विविधमुख दयउ ( Ditto ) (14) निज परिताप वैनवनीता
परतुख वहिं सुसन्त पुनीता ( Ditto ) (15) धन्य सो भप नीति जो करह
धन्य सो विज निज धर्म नटरा ( Ditto ) (16) सोष मरुत तब भमा जुड़ावै
प्रतसम जावन बेड जमाव ( Ditto ) A comparative study of these specimens will show that र, अ in instances like No. 15 and No. 13 are necessitated by the requirements of metre; -sit in such cases would not have done. Barring this, we find ऐ-औ in general use, and ए-ओ rare. It may be reasonably inferred that, while this state of mixed use of अइ-अ and-ऐ-भौ-indicating the rise of-औ-prevailed in. Tulsidasa's time, the ऐ-भी practice was fairly wellestablished about half a century after Tulsidasa's death, when Bihari wrote his "Satasai." Of course, a careful inspection of the original manuscripts would throw further light on this matter. I have had to depend on printed works only in this case.
The “Song of Jasavanta Sonigaro” (given by Dr. Tessitori in the article under notice, pp. 82-84) which is in old Maravadi and contains ऐ-औ in fair profusion, is placed by Dr. Tessitori soon after V. S. 1670. This would show its affinity with the similar practice in Hindi in Tulsidasa's period.
कवन is also found in other places:
कारशकन्ध कवन ते बन्दर (Lanka-Kanda.)
करहकवन कारण सपभारी (Bala-Kanda.) This shows that, if he did not exist between Apabhramsa and Hindi, 99 preserved its form eide by side with the changed form कौन -a phenomenon no unusual in linguistic evolution. The करहु here, for instance, retains ther and we have forms like भवट दबर also (see instance 13)..