All these facts, noted above, will go to show(a) that when, in the vocalio group 8 or 9, 7 is accented, the <-3, getting
subordinate, the ultimate result is the wide sound, -st; (b) that, when in these groups the 7-3 are accented, their prominence leads to
the uniting of st and and w and into the narrow r and sit; (c) that the wide sound is akin to अण्-अ rather than to भइ-अउ;
(d) that the 7-2, when subordinate, turn into -(and then * ); and (e) that thus the wide sound is the result of t4-999 and the narrow one is the
result of 7-973. I shall give two or three comparative instances from identical words to further illustrate pointedly the operation of these principles ; I give them in the form of a genealogical tree for the sake of giving a clear impression :
l-iro (Sansksit.)
27 atret (=1. qat) (Prakrit ) 2. A fair woman.
TOE (=alfag: 127
(Prakrit) (O.W.R.) 6 (= rret )27
Tid (O.W.R.)
1. Guj.Trd 2.
3. Tit (Guj.) ( a goddess (- the latter half
(a fair woman). worshipped by
of proper names maiders in the
like चंदागवरी, etc. month of ashadha) Also ग्यवरी from
parte in old Gujarati works). Here, Gujarati has (1) a, (2) trd, and (3) trét, each in a different sense; and the phonetic processes are different, as under:
(1) STE-T-ST-3f1: (it is to be noted in this case that the final becomes subordinate and turns into ; whereas in (2) it remains prominent and preserves they of from becoming इततर, and hence the भव stays on, and we have गवरी).
(2) 7-974. (See note, just above, under (1).)
(3) The sfr has come direct from Prakrit under the operation of the general rule in Si. Hema. VIII-1-159. (I shall soon consider below the nature and genesis of this operation; I may only state here that in the contraction of it to sit, the si passes through , wherein is prominent and hence the narrow aft.)
| II
Hà (Sanskrit)
गवक्ष (Prakrit)
TTC (1)
Tre (Guj.) (2)
4 (0.W.R (3)
27 Vide Kumanapdracharita (Ed. by S. P. Pandit), V, 80; IV, 56; and I, 75, &c. Also Index to it. -