Sata, Yaksha, father of Satavahana
Satakarni, Andhra k., 71 & n.: 72 & n.; lord. of Dakshinâpatha
154, f. 196
sataronbil, terumbil, automobile.. Satavahana Period of the Dekkan, 69, ff.; 149, ff. Satavahana king, and Vikrama
Satpura hills, Achhavata
112 95 151 25, n. Sup. 6 & n.
Satsai, a work by Bihari
sattra, sacrifice
Satur, two merchants of the name, and Austria's
commercial venture
..61 & n., 62 .. Sup. 9; 12 186, n. 285
Satvatas, followers of Krishna Satyakama, son of Jahâlâ
Satyaáraya, W. Chalukya k. Satyaáraya Kirttivarman II., Bâdâmi k.
.. 286
Satyasraya Vijayâditya, Chalukya of Badâmi. 286 Satyasraya, Vikramaditya II., Chalukya k... 286 Satyun, Virgins, cult of.. Sauras, sect
205 136 115 190-192
Seleucids, fall of
Seleucos, and Chandragupta
Sen, dyn., Bengal, sun worshippers
Senart, on Krishna
Sayyids, and Dilhi
Schools, Vedic and Academic
Sciences, of courtesans, 189; of industries, 72;
102-104: 109; of kings, 159; expositions of,
190-194; or art, of wealth..
Scott, Revd. K., and coins of Nahapana
234 256 ..74, f. Scott, H., Customs officer, Calcutta 32 Sorafton, Luke, and Omichund, 267 &n.: 269 & n.:273 script, Nabatean 170
sculpture, remains, of old Indian, 212; see Mauryana
291, ff.
78 197 189
Serampore, Srirampur, and Wm. Bolts. Seringapatam, and Wm. Bolts
Scythia, co., in Sind
sea, and the Indus seduction, of a maiden
Sehwan, in Sind, and Uderolâl, etc...200: 202-205 Select Secret Committee, later the Foreign De
266 & n.; 269 169 70 219
Sup. 10, f. ..30; 58 12, f. 71 215
Seriva, ancient Andhapura serpent, in temple sculpture
Sesha, serpent, reputed father of Satavahana.. 70 Setagiri, hills, unidentified
Seths, Bengal Hindu financial community, and Omichund, etc. 267 & n. 268: 270, n. settlement, Aryan, units of Settlements, projected Austrian, in. Gogo, 7; Bimliapatam, 10; Nicobars, 13; E. L. Co.'s, in Sumatra, 56; 57; Dutch, etc., Baranagore. 58 sex, and ethics, etc.
Shahbâzgadhi, inscrip. shamin dafar, chemin-de-fer Shamsu-d-din Altamsh, and Rânâ Chaha da Achârî
Shasthi, goddess, guardian of infants Sherriman, Mr., and Wm. Bolts Sher Shah, and Humâyûn Shikarpur, and Uderolâl.. Shivaji, deified
.. 219 90 123, f. 202 300 .. 204
Shivistan, Sehwan, and the Siva cult
Shrimali Brahmans, and Brahmans of Sind.. 197 shrine, of Uderolâl, in Sind, 198; shrines, in Orissa
209, f..
Shripunj, k., and Sarika, demon Siddapûr, Sorebaw, in N. Kanara siddhy sidhi, bhang, and cholera Side-lights on Omichund silpa-sastra, mechanical science, etc... Sind, see Religion in, 197, ff.; and Firûz Shah, 113-115
297 196
197 15, n. 284 & n 265, ff. 239
Singhbhum, Chota Nagpur, polished hammer. stone from
Siri-Sata, Sirisena, Saka-sena, coins of Sirițana Śristana, probably Śri-Saila Sirkap, c. on Taxila site Siro-Polemais, Śri-Pulumâvi Sisuka, Simuka, Andhra conqueror Šiva, and Mihirakula, 19; and the Mauryas, 51 & n.; temples, etc., and the Brahmanas of Mandara, 94-97; and the Sun-god, 136 & n.: 137; or Rudra, 218; Dionysos, Sup. 18: Vishnu Hari-Hara Sup. 20 156 .. 155 51
Sivadatta, Abhira k.
135 155 .151 263 153 71
Siva-Sri-Satakarni, coins of, etc. Skanda, worshipped by the Mauryas Skandagupta, 17; his Kahaum pillar inscrip., 20; and Puragupta, suggested identity. 161-167 slaughter, and killing, 189, n. ; 221; of BethleSup. 16 56. 61
slaves, for E. I. Co., Sumatra Smith, Hon. Chas., President, Madras Smriti, stage of development in Indian spiri. tual life..
Snow Vienna, Austrian ship Society, Triestine, (see Company) Sogal, inscrip. solar, eclipse, 16, f.; cult, see Sun Temple, Konarak, 209, ff.; theory, and Buddha. Sup. 10, f. Solen, probably variant of Ceylon, Greek for Tâmraparni riv. Somadeva, Jaina author, and Mihirakula, 19; and Satavahana
domais, Somai, Thakurs, Nasapur Somanatha Dikshita, of Mandara
61, f.; 65-67 85, fl. 287
69 201; 203 94