Nabatean Agriculture, a work by Ibn Wahshiyah,
235 & n; 256 Nabatean tombs, near Damascus, the architecture of, etc., and the Hauran .. ..169, f. Nabateans, Arabs of S. E. Palestine .. 169; 235 Nabob, the Mogul, and Wm. Bolts, 2; 5; 8; 11; or Haidar Ali Khan, 12; 13; or Mubaraku'ddaula 29-31; 34 Nadup, Ladup, S. of Kalimati, stone implements
Naga, worship, and the Mauryas, etc., 51 & n.: Någas and Buddhism
Naganakavi, court poet of the Ballalas.. Naganika, q. to Satakarni
214 97, f.. 71; 72 & n. 35
nagara, unit of a settlement Nahapana, and the Satavahanas, 73 & n.; coins of, 74 & n.-76; or Nambanos, 77, or Naha vana, 112; and Gautamiputra,
Nalagiri, Narwar
Nalanda, Bargaon
149, f.; 154 Naib Subadar, Naib Suba, deputy governor of Bengal
Nainaracharya, and Kavimalla Nala, and Nâlâyanî, or Indrasena, 281, f.; or Bahuka
283, f. 241, f.
..29 100
Nâlâyani, Narayani, or Nala
Nambanus, Mambaros, Nahapana
111 281 77, f. Nanaghat cave inscrip. ..71 & n., 72 Nanamgola, perhaps Nargol, W. of Sanjan.. 73 Nancowry, Nicaoree, a Nicobar isl., and Aus
tria's commercial venture 13: 61 Nanda, k., 193; and the Hâthigumphs inscrip.
223, f. Nandas, 55; and Chanakya .. 101; 103 Nandavardhana and Panini, 138; or Nandivardhana, and the Hathigumphâ inscrip... 224 Nandin, and the Kamasastra .. Nandurbar, tn., in Gujarât.. 115-117; 124; 141 Nanhû, Muzaffar III., of Gujarat Naples, and Wm. Bolts.. Narada, and Várttá, 238; and Svetadvipa. Sup. 15, f. Narasimha Deva, Ganga k., copperplates of, 210; 212 Narasimhagupta, k., 17; and Bâlâditya, date, 161; 163, f.; 166 216
141 92
Narasimha Natha, temple, Orissa Narayana, Sup. 12; 15; Vasudeva and Krishna, Sup. 18 Narayanapâla, k., grants of .. 110, f.; 165 Narayani, and Indrasena 181, ff. Narendra, Nandenduḥ, etc., names of Chandragupta
Nargol, Nanamgola Narnâla, tn.
73, n. 142
242, ff.
Narwar, Nalagiri, and the Yajvapâla dyn. 241, f. Narwar Kacheri inscrip. Nasarpur, in Sind, and the River god, etc, 198; 200-204 Nasik inscrips., 70, f.; 73-78, n.; 151-153; 222 Nasir Khan, of Khandesh and Jahangir nata, itinerant actors nataka, or drama, of Rama Nature, g., and Uderolâl
186 221, f. .96; 223, n. 203; 206 95; 100 British, 265 & n.-270
Navâgrama, etc., Puttur, in N. ArcotNawab Suraju 'ddaula, and the
Nayapala, k., of E. Magadha Necropolis, at Persepolis Negus, k. of Abyssinia Nellûru inscrip. Nemâra inscrip.
Nemicandra, on Mihirakula New Light on the Gupta Era and Mihirakula (contd. from Vol. XLVI, p. 296)
New Testament, and the Bhagavadgitá Nicks, J., E. I. Co.'s servant Nicobar Isls. and Austria's commercial venture, 13; 61; 62; 66
Nigliva, pillar Nilakanthakavi, Brahmara, of Mandara Nirgrantha Jainas, and Kalkirâja Nirukta of Yaska
291 94 18 195
Nirvana, the word, and the Bhagavadgitá. Sup. 28 Nitisára, a work by Kâmandaki, 104; age of,
108; and Kautilya.. nitiédatra, political ethics
174 287 .. 177 19
16, ff. Sup. 29
109 239
nivf, and akshaya-ntvi, explained
Nigam Shahi kings of -Ahmadnagar ..120; 148, f. Nizamat, Government of the Nawab Nazim of Bengal, etc. 29 & n.; 34 Note, on the Yajvapalas or Jajapellas of Nar241, ff. 56; 84
Notes, from Old Factory Records Notes on Kalidasa, I., Early references, 246, ff.; II., Kalidasa and Bhâravi, 249, f.; III., A Difficulty in the Meghadúta, 281, f.; IV. Second Difficulty, in the Raghuvamhéa 253, ff. Notes, on Asoka Inscriptions-the term Ashashu 297 Nrisimha, form of Vishnu Sup. 6, n. Nrivarmma, Rajput k. of Narwar .. 241 Nuno da Cunha, Port. governor of Diu .. 123 Nar-ad-Din, and the Aleppo mosque.. 176, n. Nyaya, philosophy. 101 & n.; 104 & n.; 106; 108; 109 Nydya-Bhashya, the, 102 & n.: 103 & n.: 107; 109 Nydya-Sastra 103; 107 102; 104, n..